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Productivity and fitness in a fjord cod population: an ecological andevolutionary approach


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Two modeling approaches were used to evaluate the combined responses in a fish population to environmental fluctuations and exploitation. Short-term effects of growth and survival of year classes of cod and the effects of fishing were evaluated by using a modified version of a dynamic ecosystem model (DYNECOMAS II), originally developed for extensive mariculture purposes in Masfjorden, western Norway. Simulations indicated that the availability of zooplankton and density-dependent predation and cannibalism were key factors for the carrying capacity for cod in the fjord. On a short-term scale, there was a strong-density-dependent regulation of cod productivity, individual growth and survival, while fisheries had little impact. Long-term effects on the fitness of cod in relation to fishery and environmental variability were evaluated by means of a life history model. The intrinsic rate of increase r was chosen as a measure of fitness. The impact on cod fitness of maturation age, variable survival at egg, larval and 0-group stage (reflecting variable recruitment to age 1) and the degree of density-dependent growth were studied for different entry ages to the fishery for both moderate and high fishing intensities. A modified Euler-Lotka equation was parameterized using available empirical data on growth, age-dependent fishing mortality and fecundity for cod from Masfjorden and DYNECOMAS II model-predicted natural mortality for juveniles (predation mortality). The solution (r) was found by iteration for combinations of maturing age, fishing mortality and survival probability until 1 year of age. The predictions obtained were that (a) the lower the survival probability until 1 year of age, the lower the fitness; (b) the higher the maturing age the lower the fitness; (c) an early entry to even a moderate fishery resulted in r<0 for low survival probability to age 1; (d) if a high degree of density-dependent growth was associated with an early entry to an intensive fishery (F=1) from age 1 year and onwards, the surviving individuals from an average year class may not produce enough replace spawners regardless of maturing age, since r<0.
机译:两种建模方法用于评估鱼类种群对环境波动和开发的综合响应。使用改良的动态生态系统模型(DYNECOMAS II)评估了年级鳕鱼的生长和存活的短期影响以及捕捞的影响,该模型最初是为在挪威西部的马斯菲约登进行广泛海水养殖而开发的。模拟表明,浮游动物的可用性以及与密度有关的捕食和食人性是影响鳕鱼在峡湾中携带能力的关键因素。在短期范围内,鳕鱼生产力,个体生长和生存受到强密度依赖性的调节,而渔业影响不大。通过生活史模型评估了对鳕鱼适应性与渔业和环境变异性的长期影响。选择固有增长率r作为适应性的度量。研究了中度和高度捕捞的不同进入年龄对成熟年龄,卵,幼虫和0组阶段可变生存(反映到1岁的可变募集)的鳕鱼适应性的影响以及密度依赖性生长的程度。捕鱼强度。使用可用的经验数据,对改良的Euler-Lotka方程进行参数化,该经验数据来自Masfjorden和DYNECOMAS II模型预测的少年自然死亡率(捕食死亡率),涉及鳕鱼的生长,年龄相关的捕捞死亡率和繁殖力。通过迭代,找到成熟年龄,捕鱼死亡率和直到1岁的生存概率的组合的解(r)。得到的预测是:(a)到1岁的生存概率越低,适应性越低; (b)成熟年龄越高,适合度越低; (c)即使适度捕捞,尽早进入也导致r <0,生存率低至1岁; (d)如果高度依赖密度的生长与从1岁及以后年龄开始进入集约化渔业(F = 1)有关,则平均年级的存活个体可能不会产生足够的替代产卵器,无论从r <0开始,直到成熟。



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