首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Acoustic estimaes of zooplankton distributions in prince william sound, spring 1996

Acoustic estimaes of zooplankton distributions in prince william sound, spring 1996


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A survey was conducted in Prince William Sound (PWS) in May 1996, to study the volume backscattering of zooplankton using a 420 kHz digital sonar and a multiple opening-closing net environmental sampling system (MOCNESS). While the digital sonar provided continuous fine-scale volume scattering strength measurements, the MOCNESS samples provided zooplankton species,size, and coarse-scale estimates of density and distribution. This catch information was applied to acoustic scattering models to predict zooplankton volume backscattering strength. By least-squares fitting the predicted backscatter values with the measured acoustic backscatter, we determined the reflection coefficients for Neocalanus, pteropods, and eupausiids to be 0.0178, 0.01533, and 0.0341, respectively. By applying these reflection coefficients and the measured animal sizes to the same acoustic models. we were able to calculate target strengths (TSs) for these taxa, which were then applied to the volume scattering information, yielding estimates of the absolute densities of those selected species along continuous transects inside and outside PWS. The comparison of these density values with the density estimates from the MOCNESS showed reasonble agreement,althought the distribution of acoustic values was much wider than the MOCNESS due to finer sampling. Since reflection coefficients vary from species to species, it is inappropriate to borrow this value from another species based on similarity.
机译:1996年5月,在威廉王子湾(PWS)进行了一项调查,以研究使用420 kHz数字声纳和多开闭网环境采样系统(MOCNESS)对浮游动物的体积后向散射。数字声纳可提供连续的细尺度体积散射强度测量结果,而MOCNESS样本可提供浮游动物的种类,大小以及密度和分布的粗尺度估计。将该捕获信息应用于声散射模型,以预测浮游动物体体积的反向散射强度。通过将预测的背向散射值与测得的声学背向散射进行最小二乘拟合,我们确定新cal,翼足类和e类的反射系数分别为0.0178、0.01533和0.0341。通过将这些反射系数和测得的动物大小应用于相同的声学模型。我们能够计算出这些分类单元的目标强度(TSs),然后将其应用于体积散射信息,从而得出沿PWS内部和外部连续断面的这些选定物种的绝对密度的估计值。将这些密度值与MOCNESS的密度估计值进行比较显示出合理的一致性,尽管由于采样更精细,声学值的分布比MOCNESS宽得多。由于反射系数因物种而异,因此基于相似度从另一个物种借用此值是不合适的。



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