首页> 外文期刊>Foster Natural Gas Report >Study Examines Potential Impacts of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing on New York's Forests

Study Examines Potential Impacts of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing on New York's Forests


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On 12/19/11 a study issued by The Nature Conservancy, authored by Cara Lee, Brad Stratton, Rebecca Shirer, and Ellen Weiss (members of the New York State Energy Team), purports to address a wide range of possible impacts on forests between the smallest and largest build-out scenarios for gas and oil well pad development. The report -- An Assessment of the Potential Impacts of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) on Forest Resources -- focuses on the potential cumulative impacts of high volume hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracing) on forests in Tioga County, in New York's Southern Tier. The Conservancy believes its analysis provides a better understanding of the trade-offs that must be considered as New York continues to evaluate Marcellus Shale natural gas development. Furthermore, the report considers the possible cumulative impacts of gas well development in Tioga County, as an example of how an assessment of cumulative impacts to forests can be carried out. Tioga was the county selected for analysis due to its location in the Marcellus Shale "fairway" and its proximity to active gas drilling in neighboring Pennsylvania counties.
机译:2011年12月19日,大自然保护协会发表了一项研究,该研究由Cara Lee,Brad Stratton,Rebecca Shirer和Ellen Weiss(纽约州能源小组成员)共同撰写,旨在解决对森林的各种可能影响天然气和油井垫开发的最小和最大扩展方案之间。该报告-评估大体积水力压裂(HVHF)对森林资源的潜在影响-着重研究了大体积水力压裂(水力压裂)对纽约南部Tioga县森林的潜在累积影响。音乐学院认为,随着纽约继续评估Marcellus页岩天然气开发,必须进行权衡取舍,这种分析可以提供更好的理解。此外,报告还考虑了蒂奥加县气井开发可能产生的累积影响,以此作为如何评估对森林的累积影响的一个例子。由于其在马塞勒斯页岩“航道”中的位置以及邻近宾夕法尼亚州各县的活性气钻探附近,提奥加被选作分析县。



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