首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition on foliar chemistry and physiological processes of forest trees at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine

Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition on foliar chemistry and physiological processes of forest trees at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine


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Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition on nutrient foliar concentrations and net photosynthesis of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh) and red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) were evaluated at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). The BBWM is a paired-watershed forest ecosystem study with one watershed treated since 1989 with bimonthly dry ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) additions at a rate of 25.2 kg N ha-1 year-1, while the other watershed serves as a reference. The (NH4)2SO4 treatment resulted in significant increases in foliar N concentrations for all three species and significant reductions in foliar Ca, Mg and Zn concentrations for American beech and red spruce. Treatment effects on foliar concentrationsof other nutrients were not significant in any species. Despite higher N concentrations in all species, only treated sugar maple showed significantly higher photosynthetic rates. The non-response in net photosynthesis to higher foliar N in American beechand red spruce might be attributed to their low foliar Ca and/or Mg concentrations. Higher net photosynthetic rates in sugar maple might be explained by the higher foliar N and by the ability of this species to maintain an adequate Ca and Mg supply. Results suggested that nutrient imbalances due to inadequate supply of Ca and Mg might have counteracted a potential increase in net photosynthesis induced by higher N concentrations in American beech and red spruce.
机译:在缅因州的熊溪流域(BBWM)评估了氮沉降增加对糖枫,枫叶枫树,美洲山毛榉和红云杉的营养叶面浓度和净光合作用的影响。 。 BBWM是一个成对流域的森林生态系统研究,其中一个流域自1989年以来就以每2千克N ha-1 year-1的速率每两月一次添加干燥硫酸铵((NH4)2SO4)进行处理,而另一个流域作为参考。 (NH4)2SO4处理导致所有三个物种的叶面N浓度显着增加,美洲山毛榉和红云杉的叶面Ca,Mg和Zn浓度显着降低。在任何物种中,对其他营养元素的叶面浓度的处理效果均不显着。尽管所有物种中的氮含量较高,但只有处理过的糖枫显示出明显更高的光合速率。美国山毛榉和红云杉的净光合作用对较高的叶面氮无响应可能归因于其较低的叶面Ca和/或Mg浓度。较高的叶面氮和该物种维持充足的钙和镁供应的能力可以解释糖枫中较高的净光合速率。结果表明,由于钙和镁的供应不足而造成的营养失衡可能抵消了美国山毛榉和红云杉中较高的氮含量引起的净光合作用的增加。



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