首页> 外文期刊>Foster Natural Gas Report >Northwest Pipeline GP Pulls Plug on Blue Bridge Pipeline Project

Northwest Pipeline GP Pulls Plug on Blue Bridge Pipeline Project


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FERC was informed by Northwest Pipeline GP on September 1 that the environmental impact pre-filing review process for the Blue Bridge Pipeline Project (PF09-10) is being terminated. The company disclosed that since last October it has been reviewing the scope of the Blue Bridge project while working to solidify commercial support. As part of that effort, Northwest explored alternatives including facilities proposed to be constructed as a part of the Palomar Pipeline Project to determine if those facilities, combined with some new Northwest facilities, could provide a viable regional solution for getting additional capacity across the Cascades and into the I-5 market corridor in Oregon and Washington. Palomar was conceived in conjunction with the now abandoned proposal to build the Bradwood Landing LNG terminal on the Columbia River east of Astoria. Northwest's focus was on offering seamless transportation service from Stanfield, Oregon to the markets in the I-5 corridor.
机译:西北管道GP于9月1日通知FERC,蓝桥管道项目(PF09-10)的环境影响预备审查程序已终止。该公司透露,自去年10月以来,它一直在审查蓝桥项目的范围,同时致力于巩固商业支持。作为这项工作的一部分,西北航空公司探索了替代方案,其中包括拟议作为帕洛玛管道项目的一部分而建造的设施,以确定这些设施是否与西北航空公司的一些新设施相结合,是否可以提供可行的区域解决方案,以在整个喀斯喀特山脉和其他地区获得更多的产能进入俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的I-5市场走廊。帕洛玛(Palomar)是与现已放弃的在Astoria以东的哥伦比亚河上建造Bradwood Landing LNG接收站的提案结合在一起构思的。西北航空的重点是提供从俄勒冈州斯坦菲尔德到I-5走廊市场的无缝运输服务。



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