首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Response of advance reproduction of oaks and associated species to repeated prescribed fires in upland oak-hickory forests, Missouri.

Response of advance reproduction of oaks and associated species to repeated prescribed fires in upland oak-hickory forests, Missouri.


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The Chilton Creek prescribed burn project was initiated in 1996 by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to restore native oak woodlands and test the effect of frequent, low intensity surface fires conducted in the dormant season (March-April) on upland oak-hickory forests in the Ozarks of Missouri. Burning treatments on five sites totaling 1000 ha were initiated in 1998. The prescribed burn treatments included: annual burns (one site was burned annually) and periodic burns (four sites were burned with a mean fire return interval of approximately 4 years). Approximately 3000 stems of advance reproduction with basal diameters <=15.0 cm were measured in 1997 (pre-burn), and remeasured in 1998, 2001 and 2007 as the prescribed burn treatments proceeded. Mortality and changes in average and aggregate total height between 1997 and 2007 were analyzed for fourteen selected tree species. Over a ten-year period prescribed burning reduced stem density, mean height and aggregate height by 57%, 36% and 67%, respectively. However, individual tree species responded differently to the repeated burns. Oaks exhibited moderate mortality (36-54%) compared to hickories, sassafras and winged elm, all of which experienced relatively low mortality (18-35%). Flowering dogwood, shortleaf pine, blackgum and other minor species incurred higher mortality (60-76%). Oaks generally had slightly lower reductions in mean height and aggregate height than associated species with the exception of shortleaf pine, but the differences were mostly non-significant. Repeated burning tended to favor the white oak species (white oak, post oak, chinkapin oak) more than the red oak species (black oak, scarlet oak), although the differences were minor. Shortleaf pine was the only species to show increases in mean height following the ten-year period of prescribed burning. Effects of repeated burns on mortality of advance reproduction changed with stem size (e.g., basal diameter, total height). A logistic model quantified mortality changes as a function of the ratio between total stem height and the square of stem basal diameter. Based on this model, fourteen species were classified into four groups characterized by model intercept and slope: group 1: high intercept and high slope (shortleaf pine, flowering dogwood); group 2: high intercept and low slope (blackgum, other minor species); group 3: low intercept and low slope (sassafras, winged elm, black and pignut hickories); and group 4: low intercept and high slope (oaks, mockernut hickory). Species in groups 3 and 4 are more resistant to repeated fires than those in groups 1 and 2 as indicated by their lower mortality, particularly for stems with larger basal diameters. Among species in groups 3 and 4, oaks will likely be favored over the long term because of their conservative reproduction strategies as suggested by the significance of the regression coefficients for slope. If large advance reproduction is present, shortleaf pine will likely survive repeated low intensity fires and maintain its height and competitive position due to its ability to avoid shoot dieback.
机译:Chilton Creek规定的焚烧项目是由自然保护协会(TNC)于1996年发起的,旨在恢复原始的橡树林地,并测试在休眠季节(3月至4月)频繁进行的低强度地表火对山地橡树山地森林的影响。密苏里州的奥扎克人。 1998年开始对5个场所进行总计1000公顷的焚烧处理。规定的焚烧处理包括:年度焚烧(每年焚烧1个场地)和定期焚烧(焚烧4个场地,平均回火间隔约4年)。在1997年(预烧伤)中测量了约3000个基部直径<= 15.0 cm的预先繁殖的茎,并在进行规定的烧伤处理后于1998年,2001年和2007年重新测量。分析了1997年至2007年之间14种选定树种的死亡率以及平均总高度和总高度的变化。在十年的时间里,规定的燃烧使茎密度,平均身高和骨料总身高分别降低了57%,36%和67%。但是,个别树木对反复烧伤的反应不同。与山核桃,树和翅榆相比,橡树的死亡率中等(36-54%),而山核桃,和翅榆的死亡率都相对较低(18-35%)。开花的山茱,、短叶松,黑胶和其他次要物种造成较高的死亡率(60-76%)。除短叶松树外,橡树的平均高度和总高度的降低通常比相关物种的降低略低,但差异大多不明显。尽管差异很小,但反复燃烧往往更倾向于白橡树种(白橡树,后橡树,chinkapin橡树),而不是红橡树种(黑橡树,猩红色橡树)。在规定的燃烧十年后,短叶松是唯一显示平均高度增加的物种。反复灼伤对提前繁殖死亡率的影响随茎的大小(例如,基径,总高度)而变化。逻辑模型量化的死亡率随总茎高和茎基径平方之比的变化而变化。根据该模型,将十四种按模型截距和坡度分为四类:第一组:高截距和高坡度(短叶松木,开花山茱wood);第2组:高拦截和低坡度(黑胶,其他次要物种);第三组:低截距和低坡度(s,翅榆,黑胡桃木和山核桃木);第4组:低截距和高斜率(橡木,小胡桃木山核桃木)。第3和第4组的物种比第1和第2组的物种具有更高的抵抗反复火灾的能力,这是因为它们的死亡率较低,特别是对于具有较大基径的茎。在第3组和第4组的树种中,长期来看,橡树将很受青睐,因为其保守的繁殖策略,如坡度回归系数的重要性所暗示。如果存在大量的先期繁殖,则短叶松树可能会在反复的低强度大火中幸存下来,并由于其具有避免枝条枯萎的能力而保持其高度和竞争地位。



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