首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Abundance response of western European forest species along canopy openness and soil pH gradients.

Abundance response of western European forest species along canopy openness and soil pH gradients.


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In order to better understand the structure and composition of forest plant communities, we aimed to predict the abundance of understory herbaceous species locally at the stand level and according to different environments. For this, we seeked to model species distributions of abundance at a regional scale in relationship with the local stand structure (canopy openness) and regional soil resources (soil pH). Floristic inventories, performed in different light and soil conditions located in 1202 records of north eastern France, were used to analyze the combined effect of canopy openness and soil pH on the abundance of 12 common western European forest species: Anemone nemorosa, Deschampsia flexuosa, Festuca altissima, Hedera helix, Lamium galeobdolon, Lonicera periclymenum, Molinia caerulea, Oxalis acetosella, Pteridium aquilinum, Rubus fruticosus, Rubus idaeus, and Vaccinium myrtillus. Ordinal regression models relating species abundance responses to their environment were developed. For most species (eight out of 12), distribution was significantly affected by canopy openness and soil pH. Differences among low-abundance (i.e. cover <25%) and high-abundance (i.e. cover >25%) responses were noted for 11 species along the canopy openness gradient and four species along the pH gradient. The present study quantifies optimal light and soil nutrient requirements for high-abundance responses and quantifies light and soil nutrients tolerance conditions for low-abundance responses. The combination of both factors highlights the pre-eminence of pH conditions occurrence and canopy openness for species abundance. The models developed by this study may be used to define canopy openness thresholds in function of soil characteristics to control the development of species during forest regeneration. The species-specific reactions on local canopy openness along a regional soil gradient illustrate the need for a species-specific management approach.
机译:为了更好地了解森林植物群落的结构和组成,我们旨在根据林分水平并根据不同的环境预测当地林下草本植物的数量。为此,我们试图建立与当地林分结构(树冠开放度)和区域土壤资源(土壤pH)相关的区域规模的物种丰富度分布模型。利用法国东北部1202年记录中在不同光照和土壤条件下进行的植物学调查,分析了冠层开阔度和土壤pH值对12种西欧常见森林物种:海葵(Neemone nemorosa)的丰度的综合影响。 i>,拟南芥,常春藤螺旋,加莱布多隆羊肉,忍冬忍冬,蓝藻,草酸浆,蕨类植物,鲁氏鲁氏菌,鲁氏科和牛痘疫苗。建立了将物种丰度响应与其环境联系起来的有序回归模型。对于大多数物种(12种中的8种),分布受到冠层开放度和土壤pH值的显着影响。沿冠层开放度梯度的11种和沿pH梯度的4种的低丰度(即覆盖率<25%)和高丰度(即覆盖率> 25%)响应之间存在差异。本研究量化了高丰度响应的最佳光和土壤养分需求,并量化了低丰度响应的光和土壤养分耐受条件。这两个因素的结合突出了pH条件的出现和物种丰富度的冠层开放度。这项研究开发的模型可用于定义土壤特征函数中的冠层开放度阈值,以控制森林更新过程中物种的发育。沿区域土壤梯度对局部冠层开放性的物种特定反应说明了对物种特定管理方法的需求。



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