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BAP grants first North American 3-star certification


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GAA makes headway on effort to get companies to demonstrate multilevel compliance to its BAP standards. Northern Harvest Sea Farms received the Global Aquaculture Alliance's (GAA) Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) three-star certification for its farmsin eastern Canada, making it the first company in North America to win the three star stamp. Three-star BAP listings control production from the hatchery through farm and plant, while two-star focus on just the processing plant and the farm. The companypartnered with Vancouver, British Columbia-based Skretting Canada, which recently had its feed mills in Canada's southeastern province of New Brunswick and westernmost province of British Columbia, BAP certified. "We look forward to more and more facilities both in North America and elsewhere — following their path," Peter Redmond, BAP vice president of development, said.
机译:GAA正在努力使公司证明对其BAP标准的多级合规性。北部收获海域农场在加拿大东部的农场获得了全球水产养殖联盟(GAA)最佳水产养殖规范(BAP)三星级认证,使其成为北美第一家获得三星级邮票的公司。三星级的BAP清单控制着从孵化场到农场和工厂的生产,而两星级则只关注加工厂和农场。该公司与不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的Skretting Canada合作,该公司最近在加拿大东南部的新不伦瑞克省和最西部的不列颠哥伦比亚省拥有饲料工厂,并获得了BAP认证。 BAP开发副总裁Peter Redmond说:“我们期待着北美和其他地区越来越多的设施-沿着它们的道路前进。”



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