首页> 外文期刊>Forest Pathology >Mycobiota in needles of Abies alba with and without symptoms of Herpotrichia needle browning

Mycobiota in needles of Abies alba with and without symptoms of Herpotrichia needle browning


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The ascomycete Nematostoma parasiticum (syn.: Herpotrichia parasitica) is commonly perceived as the causal agent of the so-called Herpotrichia needle browning in silver fir (Abies alba). However, its fruitbodies are rarely present on symptomatic needles, which are also colonized by many presumably saprotrophic fungi. We compared the internal colonization of healthy and symptomatic needles on two sites in Poland. In addition, the endophytic mycobiota in needles of various age was recorded on two other sites without disease symptoms. Fungi were isolated from 95.6% of the dead needles and from 62.9% of the living needles on symptomatic trees, whereas on healthy trees, only 45.0% of the needles were colonized internally. Colonization frequency increased with needle age. From a total of 2017 isolates, 116 fungal taxa were identified. Frequency of many species was influenced by needle type. Anthostomella formosa, Gloeosporidiella sp., Hypoxylon fragiforme, Xylaria hypoxylon and X. polymorpha were the most common fungi isolated from living needles. In symptomless living needles, fungi occurred significantly more often in the basal than in the apical parts. In dead needles, the most common fungi were Alternaria alternata, Paraconiothyrium sporulosum, Fusarium sp., Mollisia cinerea, Rhizoctonia sp., Rhizosphaera oudemansii, Thysanophora penicillioides, Xylaria hypoxylon and X. polymorpha. Rhizoctonia sp. was the most frequently isolated fungus in dead needles (23.4%) but occurred rarely also in living needles (0.31.1%). The supposed pathogen N. parasiticum was detected only sporadically (at most in 0.6% of the needles). Our findings demonstrate the need for understanding the role of Rhizoctonia sp. in Herpotrichia needle browning disease aetiology.RI Kowalski, Tadeusz/H-8662-2013
机译:子囊线虫寄生线虫(Synystate Nematostoma parasiticum)(合称:Herpotrichia parasitica)通常被认为是银冷杉(Abies alba)中所谓的黑斑病针褐变的病因。但是,它的子实体很少出现在有症状的针头上,这些针头也被许多据称是腐生真菌的真菌定殖。我们在波兰的两个地点比较了健康针和有症状针的内部定植情况。另外,在另外两个没有病征的部位记录了不同年龄的针头的内生真菌菌群。在有症状的树上,从95.6%的死针和62.9%的活针中分离出真菌,而在健康树上,只有45.0%的针在内部定植。移殖频率随针头年龄而增加。从2017年的分离株中共鉴定出116个真菌类群。许多种类的频率受针型的影响。福尔摩托氏菌,格氏孢子菌,脆弱型羟乙醛,次木小球藻和多形X.是从活针中分离的最常见真菌。在无症状的活针中,真菌的发生率明显高于基部,而不是根尖。在死针中,最常见的真菌是链格孢菌,副孢霉,孢镰刀菌,灰霉菌,灰霉菌,破伤风菌,粗支线虫,Thysanophora penicillioides,Xylaria hypoxylon和多形木霉。根瘤菌是死针中最常见的真菌(占23.4%),但活针中也很少发生(0.31.1%)。仅偶尔发现了所谓的寄生虫病原体(最多在0.6%的针中)。我们的发现表明有必要了解Rhizoctonia sp。的作用。 Herpotrichia针褐变病的病因学研究.RI Kowalski,Tadeusz / H-8662-2013



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