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Skin tumors arising in tattoos: coincidental or upcoming public health issue?


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Permanent tattooing has gained tremendous popularity in the past 20 years among the western population, especially the young [l]. Although this practice has been performed since the beginning of mankind by almost all civilizations, the first complications were only reported at the end of the 19th Century [2]. Various complications may occur after tattooing: bacterial and viral infections; hypersensitivity reaction to pigments and dyes; and localization of various dermatoses by a Koebner phenomenon [3]. For the last 20 years, we have also witnessed an increase in reports of cutaneous tumors developing within tattoos [4]. Thus, cases of melanoma [4], basal cell carcinoma (BCC) [4] and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) [5-7] have been reported. In addition, anecdotal cases of cutaneous lymphoma over pseu-dolymphoma [8], dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans [9] and leiomyosarcoma have been described [io]. Lastly, other 'benign' SCC-like lesions, such as pseudo-epi-theliomatous hyperplasia (PH) [7,n-i3] and keratoacanthomas (KAs) [14-20] may develop. The latter are borderline lesions, the true malignancy of which is still a matter of debate between dermatologists and pathologists. Interestingly, from a pathophysiological point of view, we can provide as many arguments in favor of a potential carcinogenic risk related to tattoos as we can against such a hypothesis.
机译:在过去的20年中,永久纹身在西方人中尤其是年轻人中获得了极大的普及[l]。尽管自人类开始以来,几乎所有文明都采取了这种做法,但最早的并发症仅在19世纪末才报道[2]。纹身后可能会发生各种并发症:细菌和病毒感染;对颜料和染料的超敏反应;和通过Koebner现象定位的各种皮肤病[3]。在过去的20年中,我们还目睹了纹身内出现皮肤肿瘤的报道有所增加[4]。因此,已经报道了黑色素瘤[4],基底细胞癌(BCC)[4]和鳞状细胞癌(SCC)[5-7]的病例。另外,已经描述了皮肤淋巴瘤多于假性-淋巴瘤[8],隆突性皮肤皮肤纤维肉瘤[9]和平滑肌肉瘤的病例[10]。最后,可能会出现其他“良性” SCC样病变,例如假性上皮-上皮瘤样增生(PH)[7,n-i3]和角膜棘皮瘤(KAs)[14-20]。后者是边缘性病变,其真正的恶性仍是皮肤科医生和病理学家之间争论的问题。有趣的是,从病理生理学的角度来看,我们可以针对这种假说提供尽可能多的论据来支持与纹身有关的潜在致癌风险。



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