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Recent advances in research on bovine muscle and meat sensory quality. I. Towards a better knowledge of muscle biology.

机译:牛肌肉和肉感官品质研究的最新进展。 I.更好地了解肌肉生物学。

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In the past, the major objective of research on meat-producing ruminants was to increase meat production with low costs of production. Nowadays, the meat safety crisis and the unreliability of meat eating quality have increased the concern of consumers for natural feeding of the animals, human health and high quality beef. Quality is thus one of the most important social and economic challenges for beef producers and retailers. Beef quality traits (tenderness and flavour) depend on various muscle characteristics which are regulated by genetic and breeding factors. However, the muscle traits studied so far (fibre number and characteristics, collagen characteristics and intramuscular fat content) explain only a moderate part of the variability in tenderness and flavour. Furthermore, predictive equations of tenderness and flavour from muscle characteristics depend on muscle types and animal genotypes. The development of new molecular techniques (functional genomics) has opened the way to an almost exhaustive analysis of gene expression in various nutritional and physiological conditions. This allows scientists to discover new biological predictors (i.e. new highly regulated genes) that control meat quality traits. Growth in utero plays a major role in the determination of muscle fibre number and characteristics, thereby regulating muscle growth and meat quality traits in postnatal life. Thus, the chronology of myogenesis is the subject of active investigation. Muscle contents in type I and III collagens are the highest at 180 days post-conception and decrease thereafter. Three generations of myoblasts have been described in bovine muscle during fetal life. On the basis of its muscle characteristics, the bovine is a mature species at birth compared to other mammals. Fetal muscle differentiation depends on genetic and nutritional factors. For instance, undernutrition during fetal life impedes muscle differentiation and changes metabolism in a way that may be detrimental for postnatal growth. In conclusion, growth in utero highly regulates some muscle characteristics (fibre, collagen and fat) which are important for beef quality. Therefore, fetal growth is likely to play a major role in the ability of cattle to produce beef of high and consistent quality..
机译:过去,研究生肉反刍动物的主要目的是以较低的生产成本提高肉的产量。如今,肉类安全危机和肉类食用质量的不可靠性增加了消费者对动物自然喂养,人类健康和优质牛肉的关注。因此,质量是牛肉生产商和零售商面临的最重要的社会和经济挑战之一。牛肉的品质特征(嫩度和风味)取决于各种肌肉特征,这些特征受遗传和育种因素调节。然而,迄今为止研究的肌肉性状(纤维数量和特性,胶原蛋白特性和肌内脂肪含量)仅解释了嫩度和风味变化的中度部分。此外,根据肌肉特性预测的嫩度和风味的预测方程式取决于肌肉类型和动物基因型。新分子技术(功能基因组学)的发展为各种营养和生理条件下基因表达的几乎详尽的分析开辟了道路。这使科学家能够发现控制肉质性状的新的生物学预测因子(即新的高度调控的基因)。子宫内的生长在确定肌纤维数量和特征中起主要作用,从而调节产后生活中的肌肉生长和肉质性状。因此,肌发生的时间顺序是积极研究的主题。 I型和III型胶原的肌肉含量在受孕后180天最高,此后下降。在胎儿生命中,已在牛肌肉中描述了三代成肌细胞。基于其肌肉特征,与其他哺乳动物相比,牛在出生时是成熟的物种。胎儿肌肉的分化取决于遗传和营养因素。例如,胎儿生命中的营养不良会阻碍肌肉分化并以可能对产后生长有害的方式改变新陈代谢。总之,子宫内的生长高度调节某些对牛肉质量至关重要的肌肉特性(纤维,胶原蛋白和脂肪)。因此,胎儿的生长很可能在牛生产高质量和稳定牛肉的能力中起主要作用。



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