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Estimation of postmortem interval. Temperature-correction of extracellular abdominal impedance during the first 21 days of death.


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Extracellular impedance of the intact abdomen of rats increased from 79.0+/-7.4Omega, 1h postmortem (i.e. 0.04 day), to 130.5+/-14.4Omega at postmortem interval (PMI)=1 day. Impedance then decreased with time, reaching 64.2+/-9.9Omega at PMI=21 days. The time taken for mean abdominal impedance to decrease below the value at PMI=0.04 day averaged 16 days. It is therefore impossible, using extracellular abdominal impedance alone, to distinguish (in terms of interpolating PMI) between numerically equal impedances on the rising and falling phases of curves depicting impedance as a function of PMI.Correction of measured impedances to their theoretically-predicted values at an arbitrarily chosen temperature of 40 degrees C appreciably diminished the magnitude of the increase in impedance following death. Thus, temperature-corrected abdominal impedance increased from 56.2+/-4.8Omega at PMI=0.04 day to 59.5+/-6.2Omega at PMI=1 day. Impedance then decreased, reaching 29.2+/-4.1Omega at PMI=21 days. The time taken for mean, temperature-corrected abdominal impedance to decrease below the value at PMI=0.04 day averaged 3 days (as opposed to 16 days (see above) in the absence of temperature-correction).These findings are believed to improve the usefulness of extracellular abdominal impedance as a potential tool for estimation of postmortem interval.
机译:大鼠完整腹部的细胞外阻抗从死后1小时(即0.04天)的79.0 +/-7.4Ω增加到死后间隔(PMI)= 1天的130.5 +/-14.4Ω。然后阻抗随时间下降,在PMI = 21天时达到64.2 +/-9.9Ω。平均腹部阻抗降低到PMI = 0.04天时的值所需的时间平均为16天。因此,不可能单独使用腹部腹外阻抗,就将阻抗描述为PMI的曲线的上升和下降阶段,在数值上相等的阻抗之间进行区分(根据PMI的内插法)。在任意选择的40摄氏度温度下,死亡后阻抗的增加幅度明显减小。因此,经温度校正的腹部阻抗从PMI = 0.04天时的56.2 +/- 4.8Omega增加到PMI = 1天时的59.5 +/- 6.2Omega。然后阻抗降低,在PMI = 21天时达到29.2 +/-4.1Ω。经温度校正的平均腹部阻抗降低到低于PMI = 0.04天的值所需的时间平均为3天(而没有进行温度校正的则为16天(见上文)),这些发现被认为可以改善细胞外腹部阻抗作为估计验尸间隔的潜在工具的实用性。



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