首页> 外文期刊>Gerontology: International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Gerontology >Prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus in the elderly: a seroepidemiological study in a nursing home and in an open population. The Collaborative Group.

Prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus in the elderly: a seroepidemiological study in a nursing home and in an open population. The Collaborative Group.


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BACKGROUND: The prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) increases in the general population with advancing age. Several discrepancies exist in the epidemiology of HCV, however, when selected elderly population groups are tested. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the HCV prevalence in two groups of elderly people living in the same geopgraphical area of northeast Italy, i.e., one including residents of a nursing home, the other including subjects living at home. METHODS: The overall sample included 496 subjects (mean age 79.31 +/- 8.9 years); 288 were in a nursing home, and 208 were living at home. Enrollment in the latter group was based on all subjects over 65 years old listed under the public health service in the same district. The overall rate of adhesion to the study was 90%. Each subject was administered an anonymous questionnaire testing sociodemographic data and risk factors for HCV infection. Serological tests included: anti-HCV and hepatitis B virus serum markers. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate risk factors for anti-HCV positivity. RESULTS: Anti-HCV positivity was found in 34 of 288 (11.8%) elderly in the nursing home and in 23 of 208 (11.1%) in the open population. When the total population was considered, females exhibited a significantly a higher prevalence of anti-HCV than males (13.4 vs. 7.5%, p < 0.05). In both males and females, the highers rate of anti-HCV prevalence was found among the 75- to 79-year-old subjects. A decline in anti-HCV prevalence was observed in the very old subjects (over 80 years of age). None of the anti-HCV-positive subjects was found to be coinfected with hepatitis B surface antigen. However, multiple logistic regression analysis identified the age group between 70 and 79 years, female gender, and positivity for antihepatitis B surface antigen and/or antihepatitis B core antigen as independent variables significantly associated with HCV prevalence. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of anti-HCV proved identical among elderly people living in the nursing home or at home, suggesting that nursing homes do not represent a risk factor for HCV infections; the significant association between HCV prevalence and antihepatitis B surface antigen and/or antihepatitis B core antigen positivity supports a common route of transmission of the two viruses; these findings would suggest that there was an epidemic of HCV infection during the Second World War and in the years immediately afterwards. Copyright 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel
机译:背景:随着年龄的增长,普通人群中抗丙型肝炎病毒(anti-HCV)抗体的流行率增加。但是,在对选定的老年人群进行测试时,HCV的流行病学存在一些差异。目的:评估居住在意大利东北部同一地理区域中的两组老年人的HCV患病率,即一组包括疗养院的居民,另一组包括在家中的受试者。方法:总样本包括496名受试者(平均年龄79.31 +/- 8.9岁); 288人住在疗养院,208人住在家里。后者的入组是基于同一地区公共卫生服务中列出的所有65岁以上的受试者。对研究的总体粘附率为90%。每个受试者均接受匿名问卷调查,以测试社会人口统计学数据和HCV感染的危险因素。血清学测试包括:抗HCV和乙肝病毒血清标志物。进行了多重逻辑回归分析以评估抗HCV阳性的危险因素。结果:在养老院中的288名老年人中有34人(11.8%)发现抗HCV阳性,在开放人群中208人中有23人(11.1%)发现了抗HCV阳性。当考虑总人口时,女性的抗-HCV患病率明显高于男性(13.4对7.5%,p <0.05)。在男性和女性中,75至79岁的受试者中抗HCV的患病率较高。在非常老的受试者(超过80岁)中观察到抗HCV患病率下降。没有发现抗HCV阳性的受试者与乙肝表面抗原同时感染。然而,多重逻辑回归分析确定年龄在70至79岁之间的年龄组,女性,抗乙肝表面抗原和/或抗乙肝核心抗原阳性是与HCV患病率显着相关的独立变量。结论:在住所或家中的老年人中,抗丙型肝炎的流行率被证明是相同的,这表明疗养院不代表丙型肝炎病毒感染的危险因素。 HCV流行与抗乙型肝炎表面抗原和/或抗乙型肝炎核心抗原阳性之间的显着关联支持了这两种病毒的共同传播途径;这些发现表明,在第二次世界大战期间及随后的几年中,HCV感染流行。版权所有2000 S. Karger AG,巴塞尔



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