首页> 外文期刊>Forensic science international >MOR1 receptor mRNA expression in human brains of drug-related fatalities-a real-time PCR quantification.

MOR1 receptor mRNA expression in human brains of drug-related fatalities-a real-time PCR quantification.


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The expression of the human micro-opiate receptor (MOR1) in post mortem human brain tissue was examined using real-time PCR technology. Tissue samples from 11 fatalities due to opiate overdose and five normal subjects with different causes of death were analysed in order to elucidate whether chronic opiate abuse is followed by a regulation of MOR1 expression. In each case nine selected brain regions (thalamus, caudate nucleus, hypothalamus, ventral tegmentum, hippocampus, amygdala, frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, putamen) were evaluated. The MOR1-mRNA level was determined relative to the housekeeping gene beta2-microglobulin. While in most regions the MOR mRNA levels in the brain of addicts were not different from the control group-with varying levels between 0 and 15% of housekeeping gene level-in the brains of three drug-related fatalities an enormous increase was encountered in the thalamus where the MOR-mRNA level amounted for up to 10,000% of the measured housekeeping gene level. The results obtained by toxicological hair analysis in the group of drug-related fatalities indicate that the enormous thalamic MOR1-expression is primarily found in individuals who died from acute heroin overdose but did not show signs of a substantial chronic administration of the drug. Further studies have to be performed to evaluate if the observed MOR1-mRNA up-regulation in the thalamus in a subpopulation of acute lethal intoxications mirrors a state of functional hypersensitivity associated with the occurrence of death.
机译:使用实时PCR技术检查了人类死后人类脑组织中人类微鸦片受体(MOR1)的表达。分析了11例因鸦片过量而导致的死亡和5名具有不同死亡原因的正常受试者的组织样本,以阐明是否长期滥用鸦片滥用后是否对MOR1表达进行了调节。在每种情况下,都要评估九个选定的大脑区域(丘脑,尾状核,下丘脑,腹侧被盖,海马,杏仁核,额叶皮层,伏隔核,壳状核)。相对于管家基因β2-微球蛋白,确定了MOR1-mRNA水平。尽管在大多数地区,吸毒者大脑中的MOR mRNA水平与对照组没有差异(管家基因水平在0%到15%之间变化),但在三种与药物相关的死亡事故中,大脑中的MOR却大大增加了。丘脑中的MOR-mRNA含量高达所测量的管家基因含量的10,000%。通过毒理学头发分析在一组与药物有关的死亡事故中获得的结果表明,巨大的丘脑MOR1表达主要发现于因过量服用海洛因而死亡但并未显示出长期大量服用该药物的迹象。必须进行进一步的研究,以评估在急性致死性毒物亚群中丘脑中观察到的MOR1-mRNA上调是否反映了与死亡相关的功能性超敏反应的状态。



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