首页> 外文期刊>Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology >Dienogest as preoperative treatment of submucous myomas for hysteroscopic surgery: a prospective, randomized study

Dienogest as preoperative treatment of submucous myomas for hysteroscopic surgery: a prospective, randomized study


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The aim of this single-center, prospective, randomized, parallel-group study was to compare Dienogest and Danazol as endometrial preparation in patients who have to undergo hysteroscopic surgery for submucous myomas. We enrolled 80 consecutive eligible patients, in reproductive age, affected by submucous myomas. Pre- and posttreatment characterization of endometrium was performed by hysteroscopic visual observation and histologic confirmation. The enrolled patients were randomly assigned to two groups: 40 were treated with 2 mg of Dienogest/die, 40 with 100 mg of Danazol/die, both orally for 5 weeks, starting on day 1 of menstruation. Posttreatment comparison of endometrial patterns showed a significant more marked effect of Dienogest, respect to Danazol, in atrophying endometrium ("normotrophic non-responders" versus "hypotrophic"-"atrophic", p = 0.028). Intraoperative data showed no significant difference between the two groups for cervical dilatation time (p = 0.326), while in the Dienogest group, we found a significant reduction of operative time (p = 0.001), infusion volume (p = 0.001), and severity of bleeding (p = 0.042). Moreover, Dienogest caused less side effects (p = 0.008). According to our data analysis, Dienogest, respect to Danazol, is more effective for the preparation of the endometrium in patients who have to undergo hysteroscopic surgery for submucous myomas, and causes less side effects.
机译:这项单中心,前瞻性,随机,平行分组研究的目的是比较必须接受宫腔镜手术治疗粘膜下肌瘤的患者的Dienogest和Danazol作为子宫内膜制剂。我们招募了80个连续的符合条件的患者,这些患者处于生殖年龄,受到粘膜下肌瘤的影响。通过宫腔镜视觉观察和组织学确认对子宫内膜进行治疗前和治疗后的表征。入选患者随机分为两组:从月经第1天开始,分别口服40例Dienogest 2毫克/片,40例丹那唑100片/口服,持续5周。子宫内膜模式的后处理比较显示,相对于达那唑,Dienogest对萎缩性子宫内膜有明显更显着的作用(“营养型无反应者”与“营养不足的”-“萎缩性”,p = 0.028)。术中数据显示两组在宫颈扩张时间方面无显着差异(p = 0.326),而在Dienogest组中,我们发现手术时间(p = 0.001),输液量(p = 0.001)和严重程度显着减少出血量(p = 0.042)。此外,Dienogest引起的副作用更少(p = 0.008)。根据我们的数据分析,对于必须接受宫腔镜手术治疗粘膜下肌瘤的患者,Dienogest(对于达那唑而言)对于子宫内膜的制备更为有效,并且副作用较小。



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