首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Physics >Modeling the influence of surface effect and molecular force on pull-in voltage of rotational nano-micro mirror using 2-DOF model

Modeling the influence of surface effect and molecular force on pull-in voltage of rotational nano-micro mirror using 2-DOF model


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Herein, the torsion-bending coupled pull-in instability of rotational electromechanical nano-micro mirror is investigated using a two-degree-of- freedom (2-DOF) model. Two nano-scale phenomena (i.e., surface effect and molecular van der Waals attraction) are incorporated in the model. None of the previous 2-DOF models have taken these nano-scale effects into account. Results reveal that the influences of surface effects and intermolecular force on the coupled pull-in voltage of the nano-micro mirror highly depend on the geometrical characteristics of the system. It is found that if the mirror dimensions are of the order of the material length scale parameters, the pull-in characteristics computed via the present 2-DOF model will highly differ from those predicted by previous one-degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) models. Interestingly, the influence of surface effects on pull-in voltage of the system highly depends on the bending/torsion coupling ratio. Moreover, results show that the van der Waals force can reduce the pull-in voltage of the mirror. This deteriorating effect is more highlighted in the torsional mode than the bending mode.
机译:在此,使用两自由度(2-DOF)模型研究了旋转机电纳米微镜的扭转弯曲耦合拉入不稳定性。该模型包含了两个纳米尺度的现象(即表面效应和范德华分子吸引力)。以前的2-DOF模型都没有考虑到这些纳米级效应。结果表明,表面效应和分子间作用力对纳米微镜耦合引入电压的影响高度依赖于系统的几何特性。已经发现,如果镜的尺寸约为材料长度比例参数,则通过当前的2-DOF模型计算出的吸合特性将与先前的一自由度所预测的吸合特性有很大差异(1- DOF)模型。有趣的是,表面效应对系统的引入电压的影响在很大程度上取决于弯曲/扭转耦合比。此外,结果表明范德华力可以降低反射镜的吸合电压。在扭转模式下比在弯曲模式下,这种恶化的效果更加突出。



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