
Backup Software Secures Your Designs


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Often, data is the most valuable business asset. When you consider how much time, money, and energy is tied up in your company's design work, keeping a copy of that data in a safe and secure place seems like a reasonable precaution. It's surprising, however, how few people regularly back up their work and how few computer systems are equipped to do it. If you've never had a hard-disk failure or an important design file that has been corrupted beyond recovery, you've been lucky. I hope it won't take a disaster for you to realize the importance of securing your data. This roundup review looks at some of the currently available backup options for small- to mid-sized design firms and examines some popular backup strategies. Although most versions of Microsoft Windows include some sort of backup utility, it's typically so limited in its functions that users quickly look elsewhere for their security backup needs.
机译:通常,数据是最有价值的业务资产。当您考虑在公司的设计工作中花费了多少时间,金钱和精力时,将这些数据的副本保存在安全的地方似乎是一种合理的预防措施。然而,令人惊讶的是,很少有人定期备份他们的工作,以及很少有计算机系统可以完成这项工作。如果您从未遇到硬盘故障或重要的设计文件遭到破坏而无法恢复的情况,那么您很幸运。我希望您不会意识到保护数据安全的重要性。本综述综述了中小型设计公司当前可用的一些备份选项,并研究了一些流行的备份策略。尽管大多数版本的Microsoft Windows都包含某种备份实用程序,但是它的功能通常如此有限,以至于用户会迅速在其他地方寻找其安全备份需求。



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