首页> 外文期刊>Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Quantity and quality of litterfall in pure Pine and Pine/Gmelina mixed plantations in Umuahia, Abia State.

Quantity and quality of litterfall in pure Pine and Pine/Gmelina mixed plantations in Umuahia, Abia State.

机译:阿比亚州乌穆阿希亚(Amuahia)的纯松树和松树/ mel梅林混合人工林凋落物的数量和质量

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An assessment of the pattern of litterfall and quality of litter were carried out in plantations of pure exotic pine (Pinus caribaea) and pine/Gmelina mixed plantations at Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria station Umuahia, Abia State. Litterfall was continuous with much of the litter failing between March and April in the pure pine stand. April 2004 gave significantly (P<0.05) the highest litterfall (165.9 g/m2) followed by March 2004 (104.7 g/m2) in pure pine plantation. In the pine/Gmelina mixed stand, the highest litterfall occurred in the month of September. The annual litterfall in the pure Pinus caribaea and pure Gmelina arborea/Pinus caribaea plantations were 625.12 g/m2 and 450.9 g/m2 respectively. Statistically, no significant difference existed in the mean monthly litterfall in the pine/Gmelina mixed stand. Also, no significant difference occurred in the mineral content of the plant litters of pure pine and pine/Gmelina mixed plantations. Of the two exotic species studied, N (2.03%) and P (0.19%) were more in the litters of pure Pinus caribaea than in the litters of pure Pinus caribaea/Gmelina arborea mixed plantation. K (0.9533%), Ca (1.5533%), and Na (0.2033%) were more in the litters of Pinus caribaea/Gmelina arborea mixed plantation than in the litters of pure Pinus caribaea plantation. The high litter production of pure pine stand makes it suitable for soil erosion control. However, mixed plantation of Gmelina arborea/Pinus caribaea will make better contribution in nutrient-poor soils.
机译:在阿比亚州Umuahia的尼日利亚林业研究所的纯天然外来松(Pinus caribaea)和松树/ Gmelina混合人工林中对凋落物的形态和凋落物质量进行了评估。三月至四月期间,纯松林中的凋落物不断减少,凋落物持续不断。 2004年4月,纯松人工林的凋落物量最高(P <0.05)(165.9 g / m2),其次是2004年3月(104.7 g / m2)。在松树/ Gmelina混交林中,最大的凋落物发生在9月。纯的加勒比松和纯的Gmelina arborea / Pinus加勒比人工林的年凋落物分别为625.12 g / m2和450.9 g / m2。统计上,松树/ Gmelina混交林中的平均每月凋落物没有显着差异。同样,纯松和松树/ Gmelina混合人工林的凋落物的矿物质含量也没有明显差异。在研究的两个外来物种中,纯天然加勒比松凋落物凋落物中的N(2.03%)和P(0.19%)比纯天然加勒比松积雪草/ Gmelina arborea混交林中的凋落物更多。与纯杉木人工林的凋落物相比,樟子松/ Gmelina arborea混交林中的钾(0.9533%),钙(1.5533%)和钠(0.2033%)更多。纯松林的凋落物产量高,适合土壤侵蚀控制。但是,Gmelina arborea / Cinus caribaea的混交林将在营养缺乏的土壤中做出更好的贡献。



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