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Effect of a batericide-fungicide additive on the rates of decomposition of mature fresh leaves of four woody trees species.


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A 3x4 factorial experimental design in a randomized complete block with 3 replications was used to investigate the influence of a potent fungicide-bactericide, mercuric chloride (HgCl), on the rates of decomposition of matured fresh leaves of 2 evergreen tree species, Dacryodes edulis and Irvingia gabonensis, and 2 deciduous species, Gmelina arborea and Ficus exasperata. The experiment, which lasted for 90 days, was performed under the canopy of the trees in the Arboretum of the University of Calabar, Nigeria. The HgCl significantly suppressed the rates of decomposition of the leaves. Thus, the mean percent decomposition of the four trees of 44.66 at 0.0 g HgCl differed significantly (P<0.05) from the other individual leaves in their mean percentage decomposition rates. Dacryodes edulis with 0.004 mean percent decomposition differed significantly from Irvingia gabonensis with the mean of 6.002, Gmelina arborea with 99.50 and Ficus exasperata with 98.10%. In general, the leaves of the evergreen tree species having a common mean percentage of 3.003 decomposed significantly slower than species with mean percent decomposition of 98.8. It is recommended that for greater humus accumulation, evergreen trees should be used to establish a forest stand. However, for soil fertility enrichment and maintenance within a short period of time, deciduous trees species are better since their leaves decompose faster even in the presence of a potent fungicide/bactericide in the soil. This ensures a quick turn over of soil nutrients.
机译:使用3x4阶乘实验设计,在一个随机的完整块中重复3次,以研究有效的杀菌剂-杀菌剂氯化汞(HgCl)对2种常绿树种的成熟鲜叶分解速率的影响,美味的达克酵母(Dacryodes edulis)和加尔各答(Irvingia gabonensis),以及2个落叶树(Gelina arborea)和小叶榕(Ficus exasperata)。这项为期90天的实验是在尼日利亚卡拉巴尔大学植物园的树冠下进行的。 HgCl显着抑制了叶子的分解速度。因此,在0.0 g HgCl下,四棵44.66树的平均分解百分率与其他单叶的平均分解百分率显着不同( P <0.05)。 可食用的达克酵母的平均分解百分比为0.004,与加兰的欧文菊的平均差异为6.02,蜜瓜的平均值为99.50, Excuserata > / i>达到98.10%。通常,具有3.003的共同平均百分比的常绿乔木树种的叶子分解速度比平均分解率为98.8的树种慢得多。建议为了增加腐殖质的积累,应使用常绿乔木建立林分。然而,对于短时间内土壤肥力的富集和维持,落叶树种更好,因为即使在土壤中存在强效杀菌剂/杀菌剂的情况下,落叶树的叶片分解速度也更快。这样可以确保土壤养分的快速流转。



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