首页> 外文期刊>Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Performance of tomato to combined application of foliar Algifol and granular NPK fertilizers on a typic haplustalf of Nigerian savanna.

Performance of tomato to combined application of foliar Algifol and granular NPK fertilizers on a typic haplustalf of Nigerian savanna.


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The effects of Algifol (50, 100, 150 or 200% of the recommended 10 ml/100 ml of water) and NPK (25, 50, 75 or 1005 of the recommended 125:50:50 kg N, P2O5 and K2O/ha, respectively), singly or in combination (50% Algifol + 100% NPK, 50% Algifol + 25% NPK, 100% Algifol + 50% NPK, 100% Algifol + 75% NPK, 100% Algifol + 100% NPK, 150% Algifol + 50% NPK, and 200% Algifol + 25% NPK), on the performance of tomato (cv. ROMA-VF) grown on a typic haplustalf collected from Zaria, Nigeria, were studied under greenhouse conditions. The treatments did not significantly vary with regard to their effects on plant height at 6 and 10 weeks after transplanting (WAT) in 1999, plant height at 6 WAT in 2000, and number of leaves per plant at 6 WAT in both years. The highest number of leaves at 10 WAT in 1999 was obtained with 150% Algifol + 50% NPK (270.50 cm) and 150% Algifol + 50% NPK (235.0 cm). Plant height at 10 WAT in 2000 was greatest (59.25 cm) with 100% Algifol + 25% NPK. The highest fresh fruit yields per plant were obtained with 50% Algifol in 1999 (501.0 g) and 2000 (525.0 g), 50% NPK in 1999 (574.0 g) and 2000 (677.5 g), 50% Algifol + 100% NPK and 100% Algifol + 25% NPK in 1999 (484.5 and 482.5 g), and 50% Algifol + 100% NPK, 100% Algifol + 50% NPK, and 100% Algifol + 75% NPK in 2000 (665.0, 702.5 and 757.5 g, respectively)..
机译:Algifol(建议的10 ml / 100 ml水的50%,100%,150%或200%)和NPK(建议的125:50:50 kg,25%,50%,75%或1005 kg N,P2O5和K2O / ha的影响分别)或组合使用(50%Algifol + 100%NPK,50%Algifol + 25%NPK,100%Algifol + 50%NPK,100%Algifol + 75%NPK,100%Algifol + 100%NPK,150在温室条件下,研究了从在尼日利亚的Zaria收集的典型鼠脚石上生长的番茄(CROM。ROMA-VF)的生长性能(%Algifol + 50%NPK和200%Algifol + 25%NPK)。两种处理对它们在1999年移栽(WAT)后6和10周时的株高,2000年在6 WAT时的株高以及在6 WAT时每株叶片数的影响均无显着差异。使用150%的Algifol + 50%的NPK(270.50 cm)和150%的Algifol + 50%的NPK(235.0 cm)获得了1999年10 WAT时最多的叶子。在100 W的Algifol + 25%的NPK下,2000年10 WAT时的植株高度最大(59.25 cm)。在1999年50%的Algifol(501.0 g)和2000年(525.0 g),1999年的50%NPK(574.0 g)和2000年(677.5 g),50%Algifol + 100%NPK和50%的Algifol获得了每株植物的最高新鲜水果产量1999年为100%Algifol + 25%NPK(484.5和482.5 g),2000年为50%Algifol + 100%NPK,100%Algifol + 50%NPK和100%Algifol + 75%NPK(665.0、702.5和757.5 g , 分别)..



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