
Influence of royal jelly on the reproductive function of puberty male rats


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The adverse effects of royal jelly on the reproductive system of puberty male rats were investigated. Royal jelly was daily administered by gavage to Sprague-Dawley rats at doses 200, 400, and 800. mg/kg for 4. weeks. The body weight and organ coefficients were determined. Sperm count, spermatozoa abnormality, and testicular histopathology were examined through light microscopy. Radioimmunoassay was used to detect serum hormones. The dietary exposure to royal jelly did not affect body weight, but the organ coefficients for the pituitary and testis in the high-dose group were decreased significantly compared with the control group, and significant changes in the microstructure of the testis were observed. No significant differences in sperm count were observed among all groups, however, the sperm deformity rate in the high-dose group increased significantly. Serum hormones in the high-dose group were significantly different from the control group. After royal jelly was stopped for 14. days, the adverse changes were partially reversed and returned to levels close to those in the control group. In conclusion, high-dose royal jelly oral administration for 4. weeks adversely affected the reproductive system of pubescent male rats, but the unfavorable effects are alleviated to some extent by cessation of administration.
机译:研究蜂王浆对青春期雄性大鼠生殖系统的不利影响。每天以200、400和800. mg / kg的剂量通过强饲法向Sprague-Dawley大鼠给药蜂王浆,持续4周。确定体重和器官系数。通过光学显微镜检查精子计数,精子异常和睾丸组织病理学。放射免疫法用于检测血清激素。饮食中蜂王浆的摄入量不会影响体重,但是高剂量组的垂体和睾丸的器官系数与对照组相比显着降低,并且睾丸的微观结构发生了显着变化。各组之间的精子数量没有显着差异,但是高剂量组的精子畸形率显着增加。高剂量组的血清激素与对照组有显着差异。蜂王浆停药14天后,不良变化被部分逆转,并恢复到接近对照组的水平。总之,大剂量蜂王浆口服给药4周对青春期雄性大鼠的生殖系统有不利影响,但停止给药可在一定程度上减轻不利影响。



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