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Evaluation of flaA short variable region sequencing, multilocus sequence typing, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for discrimination between Campylobacter jejuni strains.


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Discriminatory and robust typing methods are needed to improve the understanding of the dynamics of food-borne Campylobacter infections and epidemiology in primary animal production. To evaluate the strain discriminatory potential of typing methods, flaA short variable region (SVR) sequencing and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were applied on a collection of 102 epidemiologically related and unrelated Campylobacter jejuni strains. Previous application of FTIR spectroscopy for subtyping of Campylobacter has been limited. A subset of isolates, initially discriminated by flaA SVR sequencing, were further subjected to multilocus sequence typing (MLST). It was found that flaA SVR sequencing had a slightly higher discriminatory power than FTIR spectroscopy, based on the Simpson diversity index. The clustering of strains indicated that FTIR spectroscopy is indeed a suitable method for discrimination of Campylobacter. The isolates were assigned to six clusters based on flaA SVR sequences and nine clusters based on the FTIR spectroscopy profiles. Furthermore, the cluster analysis of flaA SVR sequences, MLST, and FTIR spectroscopy profiles showed a high degree of congruence, assigning the isolates to similar cluster structures. In conclusion, FTIR spectroscopy can be applied for subtyping of Campylobacter, and the high discriminatory potential of both flaA SVR sequencing and FTIR spectroscopy render them suitable screening methods for large numbers of strains
机译:需要区分性和鲁棒性的分型方法来增进对食源性弯曲杆菌感染和流行病学在初级动物生产中的动态的了解。为了评估菌株区分类型的潜力,将flaA短可变区(SVR)测序和傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱学应用于102种流行病学相关和无关的空肠弯曲杆菌菌株。 FTIR光谱在弯曲杆菌亚型方面的先前应用受到了限制。最初通过flaA SVR测序加以区分的分离株的一个子集,还要进行多基因座序列分型(MLST)。根据辛普森分集指数,发现flaA SVR测序比FTIR光谱具有更高的判别能力。菌株的聚集表明,FTIR光谱确实是用于区分弯曲杆菌的合适方法。根据flaA SVR序列将分离物分为6个簇,根据FTIR光谱图将其分为9个簇。此外,flaA SVR序列,MLST和FTIR光谱图的聚类分析显示出高度的一致性,将分离物分配给相似的聚类结构。总之,FTIR光谱可用于弯曲杆菌的亚型分析,并且flaA SVR测序和FTIR光谱具有很高的鉴别潜力,使其成为适用于大量菌株的筛选方法



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