首页> 外文期刊>Folia Biologica: A Quarterly Journal of Biological Research >Storage Time and Eggshell Colour of Pheasant Eggs vs. the Number ofBlastodermal Cells and Hatchability Results

Storage Time and Eggshell Colour of Pheasant Eggs vs. the Number ofBlastodermal Cells and Hatchability Results


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The aim of this study was to investigate the number of the embryo blastodermal cells andhatchability of pheasant from eggs of different eggshell colours depending on the length ofthe storage period before hatching. On the day of collection, dark-brown and olive eggs werecharacterised by a similar and significantly higher (by about 48%) number of embryo BCs incomparison with light-brown and blue eggs. Dark-brown eggs stored longer than one day hadthe highest, while blue-shelled eggs the lowest, number of BCs. The number of BCs found ineggs with blue and light-brown coloured eggshells stored for 10 days was similar andsignificantly lower (by 27.7%) in comparison with dark-brown eggs. With the lengthening ofthe storage period, the number of blastodermal cells in eggs of all eggshell colours declined asa result of necrobiosis. In comparison with the dark-brown and olive-shelled eggs, eggs withblue eggshells had higher (by about 7.0%) weight loss during the 21 days until hatching. Thedark-brown and olive eggs were found to have a 10.3% higher proportion of eggs consideredas fertilised in comparison with the blue-shelled eggs. Eggs with dark-brown shells stored for2-4 days prior to hatching, in comparison with blue-shelled eggs, had a higher proportion offertilised eggs. The dark-brown and olive eggs stored for 7 and more days before hatchingpossessed a higher value of this trait in comparison with the eggs of light-brown and blueeggshells (x = 80.9 against 66.4%). The highest drop in the share of fertilised eggs, whichamounted on average to 3.25% for each day of storage, was observed in the blue-shelled eggs.The dark-brown eggs stored for 7 days before being placed in an incubator had higherhatchability from fertilised eggs (by 17.8%) in comparison with the eggs with blue eggshells.In the case of eggs stored for 8 to 10 days, values for this trait were higher for the dark-brownand olive-coloured eggs than for the blue-shelled eggs. The highest mean decrease of chickhatchability from fertilised eggs was observed in the case of the blue-shelled eggs (7.93% foreach day). The dark-brown eggs had significantly higher (by about 22.0%) chick hatchabilityfrom fertilised eggs than the blue-shelled eggs. Moreover, the dark-brown and olive eggs, incomparison with the blue-shelled eggs, were characterised by a significantly higherhatchability after each period of storage before incubation. The highest negative trend-cyclewas observed for eggs with blue shells, while the smallest- for olive-shelled eggs. Directlyafter laying, pheasant eggs differed with regard to the developmental advancement of theblastodermal embryo depending on eggshell colour. Longer storage time caused the numbersof blastodermal cells in eggs to decrease. The group with blue shells had a lower proportion offertilised eggs and lower hatching results than the dark-brown eggshell group. It was alsodemonstrated that the value of hatchability indices decreased significantly irrespective ofeggshell colour after seven days of storage prior to hatching.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查不同卵壳颜色的卵中胚胚胚细胞的数量和eggs鸡的孵化率,具体取决于孵化前的储存时间。在收集之日,黑褐色和橄榄卵的特征是与浅褐色和蓝色卵相比具有相似且显着更高(约48%)数量的胚胎BC。储存时间超过一天的深棕色鸡蛋的BC数量最高,而蓝壳鸡蛋的BC数量最低。存放了10天的带有蓝色和浅棕色彩色蛋壳的蛋的BC数量与黑褐色鸡蛋相似,并且显着降低(降低了27.7%)。随着贮藏时间的延长,由于坏死病的发生,各种蛋壳颜色的鸡蛋中胚泡细胞的数量都减少了。与深褐色和带壳蛋相比,带有蓝色蛋壳的蛋在孵化之前的21天内体重减轻率更高(约7.0%)。发现与褐壳蛋相比,深褐色和橄榄形蛋的受精卵比例高10.3%。与蓝壳蛋相比,孵化前储藏2-4天的带有深褐色壳的蛋的精制蛋比例更高。与浅褐色和蓝壳蛋相比,孵化前存放7天或更长时间的深褐色和橄榄色鸡蛋具有较高的价值(x = 80.9,对66.4%)。蓝壳蛋中受精卵的比例下降最高,每天平均平均下降3.25%,深褐色卵在孵化器中储存7天后受精卵孵化率更高。鸡蛋与带蓝色蛋壳的鸡蛋相比,降低了17.8%。对于保存8到10天的鸡蛋,深褐色和橄榄色鸡蛋的性状值高于带蓝色蛋的鸡蛋。在蓝壳蛋的情况下,观察到受精卵的雏鸡孵化率的平均下降最高(每天7.93%)。与受精卵相比,深褐色卵的孵化率显着高于蓝壳卵(约22.0%)。而且,深褐色和橄榄色的卵与蓝壳的卵相比,其特征在于在孵化之前的每个贮藏期后明显具有较高的孵化率。带有蓝色壳的蛋的趋势趋势最高,而带有橄榄壳的蛋的趋势最小。刚产下后,山鸡卵在胚泡胚胚发育方面的差异取决于蛋壳的颜色。较长的储存时间导致卵中胚泡细胞的数量减少。与深棕色蛋壳组相比,带有蓝色蛋壳的组的受精卵比例较低,孵化结果也较低。还表明,孵化前储存7天后,无论卵壳颜色如何,孵化指数的值均显着下降。



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