首页> 外文期刊>Fishery Technology >Influence of Hook Types on Hooking Rate, Hooking Location and Severity of Hooking Injury in Experimental Handline Fishing in Kerala

Influence of Hook Types on Hooking Rate, Hooking Location and Severity of Hooking Injury in Experimental Handline Fishing in Kerala


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Hooking rate, hooking location and severity of wound were assessed during 163 experimental handline operation, targeted for fishes like tilapia, pearlspot and snapper. Two barbed hook types viz., circle hook (non-offset size 9/0) and J-hook (0° offset size 6) were deployed in an alternative fashion using natural dead baits viz., oil sardine and chicken waste. Circle hook had significantly lower (p<0.05) hooking rate than J-hook. Type of hook affected hooking location as 78% of the fish caught by circlehook were lip hooked, 22% deep hooked and there was no foul hooking. With J-hook, 50% fishes were lip hooked, 43% deep hooked and 7% foul hooked. The difference in severity of wounds in the two types of hooks was statistically significant (p<0.05). In fishes caught by circle hooks, 67% had minor injuries, 22% had moderate injuries and 11% suffered severe injuries. In contrast, 43% fishes caught by J-hook had severe injuries, 36% moderate injuries and 21% had minor injuries. Results suggest that use of9/0 non-offset circle hook in the handline fishery of Kerala, India may increase the survival of escaped or released fish due to lip hooking and low severity of injuries.
机译:在163次实验性手工操作中评估了钩住率,钩住位置和伤口严重程度,针对的是罗非鱼,珍珠斑和鲷鱼。两种钩钩类型,即圆形钩(非偏置尺寸9/0)和J型钩(偏置0°,尺寸6)使用自然的死诱饵,沙丁鱼油和鸡肉废物以其他方式部署。圆钩的钩钩率明显低于J钩(p <0.05)。钩的类型影响钩的位置,因为钩钩捕获的鱼中有78%钩住了钩,深钩22%钩住了钩,并且没有犯规。使用J型钩时,有50%的鱼被钩住了嘴唇,有43%的鱼被钩住了,而7%的犯规被钩住了。两种钩的伤口严重程度差异具有统计学意义(p <0.05)。在用圆钩钩捕获的鱼中,有67%受到轻度伤害,22%受到中度伤害,11%受到严重伤害。相比之下,被J型钩捕获的鱼有43%受到严重伤害,中度伤害为36%,轻度伤害为21%。结果表明,在印度喀拉拉邦的手工渔业中使用9/0非偏置圆钩可能会增加由于钩唇和低伤害程度而逃脱或释放的鱼的存活率。



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