首页> 外文期刊>Fishery Bulletin >Seasonal distribution and abundance of cetaceans off Southern California estimated from CalCOFI cruise data from 2004 to 2008

Seasonal distribution and abundance of cetaceans off Southern California estimated from CalCOFI cruise data from 2004 to 2008


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Documenting year-round diversity and distribution of marine mammals off Southern California is important for assessment of effects of potentially harmful anthropogenic activities. Although the waters off Southern California have been surveyed extensively for marine mammals over the past 18 years, such surveys have been periodic and were conducted primarily from summer to fall, thereby missing potential seasonal shifts. We examined seasonal abundance and population density of cetaceans off Southern California from 16 shipboard line-transect surveys conducted quarterly during 2004-08. The study area consisted of 238,494 km(2) of coastal, shelf, and pelagic oceanic habitat from near-shore waters to 700 km offshore. Based on 693 encounters of 20 cetacean species, abundance estimates by seasonal period (summer-fall or winter spring) and depth (shallow: <2000.5 m; deep: >= 2000.5 m) were determined for the 11 most commonly encountered species. The following are values of uncorrected density (individuals/1000 km(2), coefficients of variation in parentheses) for the seasonal period and depth with greatest density for a selection of the species in this study: blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), summer-fall, shallow, 3.2 (0.26); fin whale (B. physalus), summer-fall, shallow, 3.7 (0.30); humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), summer-fall, shallow, 3.1 (0.36); short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), summer-fall, shallow, 1319.7 (0.24); long-beaked common dolphin (D. capensis), summer-fall, shallow, 687.9 (0.52); and Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli), winter-spring, deep, 48.65 (0.28). Seasonally, density varied significantly by depth for humpback whales, fin whales, and Pacific white-sided dolphins
机译:记录南加州附近海洋哺乳动物的全年多样性和分布对于评估潜在有害的人为活动的影响很重要。尽管在过去的18年中,对南加州海域的海洋哺乳动物进行了广泛的调查,但这种调查是定期进行的,并且主要是从夏季到秋季进行,因此缺少潜在的季节性变化。我们从2004-08季度每季度进行的16次船上线横断面调查中,考察了南加州南部鲸类的季节性丰度和种群密度。研究区域包括从近岸水域到近海700 km的沿海,陆架和中上层海洋生境238,494 km(2)。根据对20种鲸类物种的693次接触,确定了11种最常见物种的季节性(夏秋或冬春)和深度(浅:<​​2000.5 m;深:> = 2000.5 m)的丰度估计。以下是本研究中所选物种的季节性和未校正密度值(个体/ 1000 km(2),括号内的变异系数)和最大密度值:蓝鲸(Balaenoptera musculus),夏季跌落浅3.2(0.26);鲸(B. physalus),夏秋,浅层,3.7(0.30);座头鲸(Megaptera novaeangliae),夏秋,浅,3.1(0.36);短喙普通海豚(Delphinus delphis),夏秋,浅,1319.7(0.24);长喙普通海豚(D. capensis),夏秋,浅,687.9(0.52);和Dall的海豚(Phocoenoides dalli),冬春,深,48.65(0.28)。季节性,座头鲸,鳍鲸和太平洋白海豚的密度在深度上变化很大



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