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Urea firms in domestic market, DAP softens


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UREA: Granular urea prices have firmed by ?10-15 pt this week to ?405-410 pt fot big bags, up from ?385-395 pt two weeks ago for fresh business. If Yara Italia books good business this week, then they will try to raise their effective price to ?415-420 pt fot big bags, perhaps as early as next week. For the moment they have “pre-advised” this higher level of ?415-420pt to their main customers, but larger buyers can still obtain granular urea ar ?405 pt fot big bags this week. Yara is not thought to have suffered too much from any reduction in gas supplies during the recent Siberian cold snap. The first wave of Jan/Feb buying is nearly over, with Italian domestic prices getting a boost from the late arrival of Ukrainian and Egyptian granular and the strengthening international markets. The next wave of purchasing interest will start about mid- April. Importers and wholesalers are wary of committing so far ahead in today’s volatile market.
机译:尿素:本周颗粒状尿素价格已上涨10-15磅,至大包装袋价格为405-410 pt,高于两周前的385-395 pt。如果Yara Italia本周预订良好的业务,那么他们将尝试最早将有效价格提高到415-420 pt FOT大袋,也许最早在下周。目前,他们已经向主要客户“预先建议”较高的415-420pt,但大买家本周仍可从大袋中获得405 pt的颗粒尿素。在最近的西伯利亚寒潮期间,亚拉(Yara)并未因天然气供应减少而遭受太大的损失。一月/二月的第一波采购已接近尾声,乌克兰和埃及颗粒的到货较晚以及国际市场走强,意大利国内价格得到了提振。下一波购买兴趣将在4月中旬左右开始。进口商和批发商对在当今瞬息万变的市场中保持领先地位持谨慎态度。



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