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Contribution of contrasting plant hierarchies to the response to N fertilizer in maize


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The typical size structuring process that occurs as a consequence of intra-specific competition in maize promotes the appearance of contrasting plant hierarchies (i.e. dominated and dominant individuals). This process may become more intense under low nitrogen (N) availability. The alleviation of plant competition by N addition may reduce plant yield variability through a differential response to N in individuals of contrasting hierarchies. In this work, the response to N of dominated and dominant plants from stands with contrasting N supply (0 to 140-200 kg N ha(-1)) was examined on 11 experiments carried out in Parana, Argentina (31 degrees 50'S; 60 degrees 31'W) in a broad range of growing conditions that included the variation of the year, genotype, plant population and sowing date. Our objectives were: (i) to evaluate the response to N in contrasting plant hierarchies of maize, (ii) to quantify the contribution of dominated and dominant plants to the response to N of the overall stand, and (iii) to study the effect of N on relationships between plant hierarchies and stand variability. Response to N of yield per plant was associated with biomass per plant in non-fertilized controls, tending to be higher in plants with low biomass. The response to N of yield per unit area (i.e., considering all individuals of the stand) was related to the response to N of dominant and dominated plants (P < 0.0001). However, at a higher level of response to N of grain yield per unit area (>50-60%), dominant plants had a considerable lower response than dominated plants, whereas at a lower level of response (<30%), the contribution of contrasting plant hierarchies was similar. In stands with similar plant biomass between hierarchies, the differences in the response to N between plant types tended to be negligible. The coefficient of variation of yield per plant was reduced (P < 0.05) by effect of N in 4 out of 11 experiments, although it tended to be consistently lower in fertilized treatments. When the differences between the biomass of dominated and dominant plants were ample we found the highest response to N at the stand level, as a result of the higher increase in grain yield per plant in dominated plants than in dominant ones. The response to N in each plant hierarchy was differentially associated with increases in shoot biomass, harvest index, kernel number per plant and kernel weight
机译:玉米种内竞争的结果是典型的大小结构化过程,促进了相反的植物等级(即占主导地位的个体和优势个体)的出现。在低氮(N)可用性下,此过程可能会变得更加激烈。通过添加氮来缓解植物竞争可能会通过在层次结构不同的个体中对氮的差异响应来降低植物产量的变异性。在这项工作中,在阿根廷巴拉那(31度50年代; 60年代)进行的11个实验中,研究了氮素供应相对不同(0至140-200 kg N ha(-1))的林分对主要和优势植物N的响应。 31'W)的生长条件,包括年份,基因型,植物种群和播种日期的变化。我们的目标是:(i)在玉米不同的植物层次结构中评估对N的响应;(ii)量化优势植物和优势植物对整体林分对N响应的贡献;以及(iii)研究其影响N对植物层次结构与林分变异性之间关系的影响。在非受精对照中,对单株产量N的响应与单株生物量相关,在低生物量植物中趋向于更高。对单位面积产量N的响应(即考虑到林分的所有个体)与优势和优势植物对N的响应有关(P <0.0001)。但是,在单位面积上对谷物产量氮的响应水平较高时(> 50-60%),优势植物的响应水平要比优势植物低得多,而在响应水平较低的情况下(<30%),其贡献就很大。不同的工厂层次结构相似。在等级之间具有相似植物生物量的林分中,植物类型之间对氮的响应差异往往可以忽略不计。在11个实验中有4个实验中,由于N的影响,每株植物的产量变异系数降低了(P <0.05),尽管在施肥处理中,该系数往往较低。当优势植物和优势植物之间的生物量差异足够大时,我们发现在林分水平上对氮的响应最高,这是因为优势植物中每株植物的谷物产量高于优势植物。在每个植物层次中对氮的响应与芽生物量,收获指数,单株籽粒数量和籽粒重量的增加有差异相关



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