首页> 外文期刊>FEMS Microbiology Reviews >Ecology of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Europe: Transmission dynamics in multi-host systems, influence of molecular processes and effects of climate change

Ecology of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Europe: Transmission dynamics in multi-host systems, influence of molecular processes and effects of climate change


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The analysis of different multi-host systems suggests that even hosts that are not capable of transmitting Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) to the tick vector, Ixodes ricinus, or that are secondary reservoirs for these agents contribute to the intensity of transmission and to the overall risk of Lyme borreliosis, through the process of vector augmentation and pathogen amplification. On the other hand, above certain threshold densities, or in the presence of competition with primary reservoir hosts or low attachment rate of ticks to reservoir hosts, incompetent or less competent hosts may reduce transmission through dilution. The transmission of B. burgdorferi s.l. is affected by molecular processes at the tick-host interface including mechanisms for the protection of spirochaetes against the host's immune response. Molecular biology also increasingly provides important identification tools for the study of tick-borne disease agents. Ixodes ricinus and B. burgdorferi s.l. are expanding their geographical range to northern latitudes and to higher altitudes through the effects of climate change on host populations and on tick development, survival and seasonal activity. The integration of quantitative ecology with molecular methodology is central to a better understanding of the factors that determine the main components of Lyme borreliosis eco-epidemiology and should result in more accurate predictions of the effects of climate change on the circulation of pathogens in nature. The analysis of the transmission dynamics of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in multihost systems highlights the complex balance between dilution and vector (Ixodes ricinus) augmentation by vertebrates acting as secondary and incompetent reservoir hosts. The transmission of B. burgdorferi sl is affected by molecular processes at the tickhost interface and by mechanisms for the protection of spirochetes against the host's immune response. Ixodes ricinus and B. burgdorferi sl are expanding their geographic range to northern latitudes and to higher altitudes through effects of climate change on host populations, as well as on tick development, survival, and seasonal activity.
机译:对不同的多宿主系统的分析表明,即使是不能将博氏疏螺旋体(borelia burgdorferi sensu lato)(s)传播到壁虱病媒(Ixodes ricinus)的宿主,或作为这些病原体的次要宿主的宿主,也会导致传播强度和对通过载体扩增和病原体扩增的过程,可导致莱姆病的风险。另一方面,超过一定的阈值密度,或与主要储层宿主竞争或competition与储层宿主的附着率低时,不称职或能力较弱的宿主可能会通过稀释减少传播。 B. burgdorferi s.l.的传播。它受壁虱-宿主界面分子过程的影响,包括保护螺旋体免受宿主免疫反应的机制。分子生物学也越来越多地为tick传疾病病原体的研究提供重要的鉴定工具。蓖麻虫和伯氏疏螺旋体通过气候变化对寄主人口以及tick的发育,生存和季节性活动的影响,正在将其地理范围扩展到北部纬度和更高的海拔。将定量生态学与分子方法学相结合对于更好地了解决定莱姆病(Lyme borreliosis)生态流行病学主要成分的因素至关重要,并且应能更准确地预测气候变化对自然病原体循环的影响。对博氏疏螺旋体在多宿主系统中的传播动力学的分析强调了作为次要和不称职的宿主的脊椎动物在稀释和载体(Ixodes ricinus)扩增之间的复杂平衡。 B. burgdorferi sl的传播受到壁虱宿主界面的分子过程和螺旋体抵抗宿主免疫反应的机制的影响。由于气候变化对寄主种群以及tick的发育,存活和季节性活动的影响,蓖麻effects和伯氏芽孢杆菌正在将其地理范围扩展到北部纬度和更高的海拔。



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