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From individual cell motility to collective behaviors: Insights from a prokaryote, Myxococcus xanthus


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In bird flocks, fish schools, and many other living organisms, regrouping among individuals of the same kin is frequently an advantageous strategy to survive, forage, and face predators. However, these behaviors are costly because the community must develop regulatory mechanisms to coordinate and adapt its response to rapid environmental changes. In principle, these regulatory mechanisms, involving communication between individuals, may also apply to cellular systems which must respond collectively during multicellular development. Dissecting the mechanisms at work requires amenable experimental systems, for example, developing bacteria. Myxococcus xanthus, a Gram-negative delatproteobacterium, is able to coordinate its motility in space and time to swarm, predate, and grow millimeter-size spore-filled fruiting bodies. A thorough understanding of the regulatory mechanisms first requires studying how individual cells move across solid surfaces and control their direction of movement, which was recently boosted by new cell biology techniques. In this review, we describe current molecular knowledge of the motility mechanism and its regulation as a lead-in to discuss how multicellular cooperation may have emerged from several layers of regulation: chemotaxis, cell-cell signaling, and the extracellular matrix. We suggest that Myxococcus is a powerful system to investigate collective principles that may also be relevant to other cellular systems.
机译:在禽群,鱼类群和许多其他生物中,同族个体之间的重组通常是生存,觅食和面对掠食者的有利策略。但是,这些行为代价高昂,因为社区必须开发监管机制来协调和适应其对快速环境变化的反应。原则上,涉及个体之间通信的这些调节机制也可以应用于必须在多细胞发育过程中共同做出反应的细胞系统。剖析工作中的机制需要合适的实验系统,例如,发展细菌。克氏阴性葡萄球菌(Myxococcus xanthus)是一种革兰氏阴性的变形杆菌,能够协调其在空间和时间上的运动,以聚集,早于并长出毫米大小的充满孢子的子实体。对调节机制的透彻了解首先需要研究单个细胞如何在固体表面上运动并控制其运动方向,最近新的细胞生物学技术推动了这种运动。在这篇综述中,我们将当前关于运动机制及其调控的分子知识描述为一个导言,以讨论多细胞合作如何可能从以下几层调控中出现:趋化性,细胞间信号传导和细胞外基质。我们建议,粘球菌是一个强大的系统,可以研究可能也与其他细胞系统有关的集体原则。



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