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OECD, FAO release ag outlook


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THE recent drop in prices of major crops is expected to continue over the next two years before stabilizing at levels above the pre-2008 period but markedly below recent peaks, according to the latest agricultural outlook report from the Organizationfor Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) and the U.N. Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO).The "OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2014-2023" report notes that demand for agricultural products is expected to remain firm, although it will expand at a slower rate than in the past decade.Cereals still will form the core of global diets, but as incomes rise and urbanization increases, people in many parts of the world will add more protein, fats and sugar to their diets.The report says such changes, combined with a growing global population, will require substantial expansion of agricultural production over the coming decade. Led by Asia and Latin America, developing regions will account for more than 75% of additionalagricultural output over the next decade.
机译:经济合作与发展组织(OECD)最新农业前景报告称,预计未来两年主要农作物价格近期将继续下跌,然后稳定在2008年之前的水平,但明显低于近期峰值。经合组织-粮农组织《 2014-2023年农业展望》报告指出,对农产品的需求预计将保持坚挺,尽管其增长速度将低于过去十年。仍然将构成全球饮食的核心,但是随着收入的增加和城市化的发展,世界许多地区的人们将在饮食中添加更多的蛋白质,脂肪和糖。报告说,这种变化加上全球人口的增长将要求在未来十年内大幅扩大农业生产。在亚洲和拉丁美洲的带领下,发展中地区将在未来十年内占额外农业产出的75%以上。



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