首页> 外文期刊>Global Biogeochemical Cycles >Representative regional sampling of carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in hemiboreal headwater streams reveal underestimates in less systematic approaches

Representative regional sampling of carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in hemiboreal headwater streams reveal underestimates in less systematic approaches


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Boreal headwater streams have been identified as hot spots for evasion of greenhouse gases (GHGs). This study was the first to systematically determine the concentrations of CO_2 and CH_4 in hemiboreal headwater streams. The use of a headspace sampling method focusing on GHGs in combination with a statistically representative selection of more than 200 streams across two regions in Sweden was the basis for defining the base flow concentrations of CO_2 and CH_4. All streams were supersaturated relative to the atmosphere in CO_2 and the majority in CH_4 for the 82% of streams in which CH_4 was detected. The spatial variability in both CO_2 and CH_4 was high but positively related to total organic carbon, mean annual temperature, and proportion of peatland in the catchment. There were, however, regional differences in the spatial controls, which are something that predictive models need to consider. The data set allowed for comparison between a headspace and an alkalinity-based method for determining CO_2. More than 50% of the streams contained no alkalinity which made the alkalinity-based determination of CO_2 impossible. In addition, half of the streams with alkalinity had alkalinities low enough (<0.07 meq L~(-1)) tomake the CO_2 determination very uncertain. The streams with low pH and no alkalinity containedmedian CO_2 concentrations that were 45%higher than the streams containing alkalinity. Therefore, large-scale generalizations about CO_2 in such headwaters will be significantly underestimated if (1) headwaters are underrepresented and (2) the headwaters are sampled but CO_2 is calculated from their alkalinity.
机译:北方源水已被确定为逃逸温室气体(GHG)的热点。这项研究是第一个系统地确定半波源水源流中CO_2和CH_4浓度的研究。在瑞典的两个区域中,采用以温室气体为重点的顶空进样方法以及统计上具有代表性的200多个物流的选择,是定义CO_2和CH_4基准流量浓度的基础。对于检测到CH_4的82%的物流,所有物流都相对于CO_2中的大气过饱和,而在CH_4中的大多数相对饱和。 CO_2和CH_4的空间变异性都很高,但与总有机碳,年平均温度和集水区泥炭地的比例呈正相关。但是,空间控制中存在区域差异,这是预测模型需要考虑的问题。该数据集允许在顶空和基于碱度的确定CO_2的方法之间进行比较。超过50%的物流不含碱度,这使得无法基于碱度确定CO_2。此外,一半的碱度物流具有足够低的碱度(<0.07 meq L〜(-1)),使得CO_2的测定非常不确定。 pH值低且没有碱度的物流的中位CO_2浓度比碱度的物流高45%。因此,如果(1)水源含量不足和(2)对水源进行采样,但根据其碱度计算CO_2,那么在这些水源中对CO_2的大规模概括将被大大低估。



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