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Do volcanic eruptions enhance or diminish net primary production? Evidence from tree rings


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[1] Low growth rates of atmospheric CO_2 were observed following the 1991 Pinatubo (Luzon) volcanic eruption. One hypothesis for this CO_2 anomaly is that since diffuse light is more efficiently used by forests than direct light, the increase in the diffuse fraction of sunlight due to scattering by volcanic sulfur aerosol in the years following the eruption substantially increased forest net primary production (NPP). However, other observations suggest a decrease in northern forest NPP because of the cooler conditions following the eruption. Here we used a global database of dated tree ring widths (which correlate with forest NPP) to test this hypothesis. Ice core records of sulfur deposition allowed us to identify the timing and magnitude of 23 Pinatubo-scale eruptions since 1000 CE. We found a significant decrease in ring width for trees in middle to high northern latitudes (north of 45°N) following eruption sulfur peaks. Decreases in tree ring widths were in the range of 2–8% and persisted for ~8 years following sulfur peaks, with minima at around 4–6 years. Ring width changes at lower latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere (30°N to 45°N) and in the Southern Hemisphere (30°S to 56°S) were not significant. In the tropics (30°N to 30°S) the paucity of tree ring records did not permit the evaluation of NPP changes. Given that elevated aerosol levels and summer cooling last only ~2–3 years after an eruption, the persistence of declines in northern tree growth for up to 8 years after eruptions implies some additional mechanism that links these shorter-lived global eruption effects to sustained changes in tree physiology, biogeochemistry, or microclimate. At least for this sample of trees, the beneficial effect of aerosol light scattering appears to be entirely offset by the deleterious effect of eruption-induced climate change.
机译:[1] 1991年的皮纳图博(Luzon)火山喷发后,观测到了大气CO_2的低增长率。对于这种CO_2异常的一种假设是,由于森林比直接光更有效地使用了散射光,因此在火山喷发后的几年中,由于火山硫气溶胶的散射,阳光的散射分数增加了,从而大大增加了森林净初级生产力(NPP) )。但是,其他观察结果表明,由于喷发后天气变凉,北部森林的NPP减少。在这里,我们使用了一个过时的年轮宽度(与森林NPP相关)的全球数据库来检验这个假设。冰芯硫沉积的记录使我们能够确定自公元1000年以来23次皮纳图博火山爆发的时间和大小。我们发现,在喷发硫峰之后,北纬中高纬度(北纬45°N)树木的环宽度显着减小。年轮宽度的减小幅度在2%至8%之间,并在硫含量达到峰值后持续约8年,最小值在4-6年左右。在北半球(30°N到45°N)和南半球(30°S到56°S)的较低纬度,环宽度的变化并不明显。在热带地区(30°N至30°S),由于缺乏年轮记录,因此无法评估NPP的变化。鉴于喷发后气溶胶水平升高和夏季降温仅持续约2-3年,喷发后北部树木生长的下降持续长达8年,这暗示了一些其他机制将这些寿命较短的全球喷发效应与持续变化联系起来在树木生理学,生物地球化学或小气候方面。至少对于这种树木样品,气溶胶光散射的有益作用似乎被喷发引起的气候变化的有害作用完全抵消了。



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