
The oil palm mystery


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CABI research that led the way to a more profitable and sustainable approach to farming. Oil palms are big business in South East Asia. Palm oil is the basic ingredient for most of the world's soaps and margarines. And, responding to criticism thatit has destroyed precious tropical rainforest to make way for oil palms, the industry is moving steadily towards more sustainable farming practices. Few people are aware, however, that this move started 25 years ago, with the near-chance discovery of aninsect that would prove invaluable to the oil palm industry and become one of the most prominent examples of man's use of beneficial organisms. Although native to West Africa, the oil palm's high commercial value has led to its introduction in many regions of the world. Malaysia was the first country to embark on the large-scale planting and processing of oil palm, with the first commercial estate set up in 1917. Since then, the industry in Malaysia has grown phenomenally. Malaysia is now the largest producer and exporter of palm oil in the world, accounting for 52 per cent of world production and 64 per cent of world exports in 1997.



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