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Pilkington backs GGF fire glass alert


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BRIAN Waldron, Technical & Standards Manager for glass manufacturer Pilkington, has responded to a recent report by the Glass & Glazing Federation on the increasing reports of untested glass being sold as alternatives to genuine fire and safety glasses, by confirming that Pilkington has also become aware of the problem.The GGF report, by the Chairman of the organisation's Standards Committee Dr Bernard Lowe, highlights the risks posed to property and life by the installation of unsuitable glass in applications that clearly call for products that comply with the appropriate standards. It is believed that many installers may be using such glass unaware that it does not meet the correct standard, and may not have been tested in the framing system in which it is being installed. The product believed to be most affected is wired glass, stated the report, as the untested products are difficult to distinguish visually from the tested products.
机译:玻璃制造商Pilkington的技术和标准经理BRIAN Waldron回应了Glass&Glazing Federation最近的一份报告,该报告关于越来越多的报告称未经测试的玻璃被出售为真正的防火和安全玻璃的替代品,证实了Pilkington也已经意识到GGF报告由该组织标准委员会主席Bernard Lowe博士强调,在应用中安装不合适的玻璃显然会要求产品符合适当的标准,从而给财产和生命带来风险。可以相信,许多安装人员可能没有意识到玻璃不符合正确的标准,并且可能没有在安装玻璃的框架系统中进行过测试。报告指出,受影响最大的产品是夹丝玻璃,因为未经测试的产品很难从视觉上与测试的产品区分开。



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