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Sales growth of 20 to 25 per cent per year


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Capturing his hometown market makes business cents for grower. Chris Maxemuck has found it something of a challenge developing a greenhouse and garden centre business in his own rural back yard. But, with an abundance of enthusiasm and fresh ideas, he has succeeded in overcoming the hurdles associated with trying to grow a business in a bedroom community. Maxemuck started C&S Garden Centre literally in his backyard in Lorette, Manitoba, about 10 years ago while attending the nearby University of Manitoba. After graduating with a degree and a diploma in agriculture six years ago, he built a couple of small greenhouses at his current location in town. Since then, he has expanded the two original greenhouses, built three more and has 10,000 square feet of bedding plants, perennials, trees and shrubs and has registered yearly 20 to 25 per cent sales increases. He is looking forward to more of the same this year.
机译:抓住他的家乡市场,为种植者带来了商业收入。 Chris Maxemuck发现在自己的农村后院发展温室和花园中心业务是一个挑战。但是,凭借丰富的热情和新颖的想法,他成功地克服了与尝试在卧室社区发展业务相关的障碍。 Maxemuck大约10年前在就读附近的曼尼托巴大学时,在他位于曼尼托巴Lorette的后院里创办了C&S园艺中心。六年前获得农业学位和文凭后,他在镇上目前的位置建造了几个小温室。从那时起,他扩大了两个原始温室,又新建了三个温室,并拥有10,000平方英尺的垫料植物,多年生植物,树木和灌木,并实现了每年20%至25%的销售增长。他期待着今年同样的事情。



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