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Tomato growers -- be wary of late blight


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The unusually wet summer experienced this year caused a much higher incidence of disease, particularly in field crops. One of the diseases that was quite prevalent was late blight which affects solanceous crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant and various related weeds. This disease, caused by fungus, Phytophthora infestans, is particularly noteworthy because of the rapidity with which it can spread and destroy a crop, if conditions are right. To give a bit of a background on late blight, this is the infamous disease that caused the Irish potato famine of the 1840's and is reported to have hastened the conclusion of the First World War by reducing food supplies. Ever since late blight was identified, it has been responsible for many epidemics on tomatoes and potatoes. It is also reported to be most destructive in the eastern half of North America and in northwestern Europe, where potatoes are grown in large acreages.



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