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Pricing: a powerful profit lever


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In today's competitive marketplace, many businesses instinctually look to cost and volume improvements as their primary methods to improving profitability. While these tactics can indeed deliver bottom-line results, many companies are unaware that a more powerful profit lever exists: pricing. By viewing pricing as a strategy and not as an administrative function, pricing improvements can provide businesses with three to four times the impact on profitability versus equivalent improvements in volume and cost. A one per cent increase in price can send operating profits upwards of 12.3 per cent (see chart). Further, strategic pricing can improve margins by two per cent to seven per cent within the first 12 months and provide a return on investment (ROI) of between 200 per cent to 350 per cent ("Activating Your Most Powerful Profit Lever," Deloitte Research 2004).
机译:在当今竞争激烈的市场中,许多企业本能地将成本和数量的改进视为提高盈利能力的主要方法。尽管这些策略确实可以带来最终结果,但许多公司并未意识到存在更强大的利润杠杆:定价。通过将定价视为策略而非管理功能,定价改进可以为企业带来三到四倍的利润影响,而数量和成本却可以得到同等的改善。价格上涨1%可以使营业利润增加12.3%(见图)。此外,战略定价可以在头12个月内将利润率提高2%至7%,并提供200%至350%的投资回报率(“激活您最强大的利润杠杆”,Deloitte Research) 2004)。



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