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Research briefs: nutrient uptake in poinsettia changes during different stages of growth


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We all know that applying excess amounts of fertilizer and water through top irrigation can lead to leaching of nutrients into the ground water and streams. During the past decade different researchers have studied various fertility aspects of poinsettia. Yelanich and Biernbaum 1994 at Michigan State University showed that marketable poinsettias could be produced using reduced nitrogen application rates by simply reducing the leaching fraction to 15%. Argo and Biernbaum 1995 showed that poinsettias irrigated overhead for the first 58 days with 392 ppm N and 331 ppm K, provided ample nutrients in the top 2.5 cm so that by leaching, sufficient nutrients could be supplied to meet the needs of the crop for the remainder of the production period. Nutrient requirements change and rates of uptake change during different stages of growth. In 1991, Jim Tsujita at the University of Guelph showed how nutrient uptake changed in rose shoots depending on the stage of growth, with uptake increasing as shoots rapidly elongate but decreasing as flower buds develop.
机译:我们都知道,通过顶部灌溉施用过量的肥料和水会导致养分浸出到地下水和溪流中。在过去的十年中,不同的研究人员研究了一品红的各种生育能力。 1994年,密歇根州立大学的Yelanich和Biernbaum指出,只需将浸出率降低到15%,就可以通过降低氮的施用量来生产可销售的一品红。 Argo and Biernbaum 1995年指出,一品红在前58天以392 ppm的氮和331 ppm的钾肥灌溉顶部的2.5 cm区域提供了充足的养分,因此通过淋洗,可以提供足够的养分以满足作物对作物的需求。生产期的剩余时间。在生长的不同阶段,营养需求发生变化,吸收速率发生变化。 1991年,圭尔夫大学的吉姆·津吉塔(Jim Tsujita)展示了玫瑰花梢中养分的吸收如何根据生长阶段而变化,随着芽的迅速伸长而增加,但随着花蕾的发育而减少,吸收量随之增加。



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