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Just what the doctor ordered:Looking for a market niche How about growing perennials of medicinal importance


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Growing perennials is always of interest to growers and consumers. I have visited many _ beautiful landscapes full of onlyperennials. I can enjoy them for hours and view flowers of many different colours, sizes and shapes. In a recent tour to the Olds College in Olds, Alta., Peter Johnston-Berresford led a tour of the school's land reclamation project. He is a great tour guide and host, and accompanied by beautiful weather and flowers in the foreground, he gave us a memorable experience.These pictures show how perennials are integrated with land and water reclamation demonstration projects. Institutions across Canada, much like Olds College, have preserved perennial gardens as part of their teaching programs.
机译:多年生植物的生长总是引起种植者和消费者的兴趣。我参观了许多只多年生植物的美丽风景。我可以花几个小时欣赏它们,并查看许多不同颜色,大小和形状的花朵。在最近一次前往阿尔塔斯州奥尔兹市的奥尔兹学院的游览中,彼得·约翰斯顿·贝雷斯福德(Peter Johnston-Berresford)带队参观了该校的土地开垦项目。他是一位出色的导游和接待人,并伴有美丽的天气和鲜花,为我们带来了难忘的经历,这些照片展示了多年生植物如何与土地和水填海示范项目相融合。与奥尔兹学院一样,加拿大各地的机构都将多年生花园保存为教学计划的一部分。



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