首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >Grazing preference of Merino sheep for naturalized annual clover species relative to commonly sown clover species

Grazing preference of Merino sheep for naturalized annual clover species relative to commonly sown clover species


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Selective grazing of white clover (Trifolium repens) over grass species in temperate pastures results in reduced clover abundance and availability over time. Within sheep- and cattle-grazed dryland (800mm annual rainfall) hill and high country areas of New Zealand, naturalized unsown annual clover species show greater persistence and abundance over sown clovers. With a view to understanding legume abundance in these areas, Merino sheep grazing preference was investigated for pure swards of naturalized species Trifolium dubium, T.glomeratum, T.arvense and T.striatum and commonly sown species T.repens and T.subterraneum. The Chesson-Manly preference index was used to explore the hypothesis that grazing preference differs between these species and changes as plants mature. Herbage offtake was quantified at vegetative (mid-late spring; November) and reproductive (early summer; December) stages of plant maturity. Significant preference distinctions between species (P005) occurred in December, with relative preference ranging from 0248 for T.repens to 0065 for T.dubium. Reduced relative preference for naturalized species was related to decreasing nutritive value from spring to summer, reflecting increased stem and flower sward content. Relative preference was negatively related to increasing acid detergent fibre and neutral detergent fibre and positively related to greater crude protein and dry-matter digestibility. Naturalized annual clover species of lower grazing preference at reproductive maturity will benefit pasture sustainability via herbage and seed production and associated nitrogen-fixation inputs.
机译:在温带草场上,草类植物上的三叶草(Trifolium repens)的选择性放牧导致三叶草的丰度和可利用性随时间的推移而降低。在新西兰的绵羊和牛群干燥的旱地(年降雨量<800毫米)山丘和高郊地区,未播种的一年生三叶草物种比播种的三叶草具有更大的持久性和丰度。为了了解这些地区的豆科植物丰度,调查了对美利奴绵羊放牧的偏爱,他们选择了天然种Trifolium dubium,T.glomeratum,T.arvense和T.striatum和常见播种T.repens和T.terraneum的纯草皮。 Chesson-Manly偏好指数用于研究以下假设:放牧偏好在这些物种之间随植物成熟而变化。在植物成熟的营养期(春季中后期; 11月)和生殖期(夏季初; 12月)对草本植物的摄取进行定量。物种之间的显着偏好差异(P <005)发生在12月,相对偏好的范围从T.repens的0248到D.dubium的0065。对归化物种的相对偏爱减少与春季至夏季的营养价值降低有关,这反映了茎和花草含量的增加。相对偏爱与酸性洗涤剂纤维和中性洗涤剂纤维的增加负相关,与更大的粗蛋白和干物质消化率正相关。在繁殖成熟时优先放牧的三叶草自然化物种将通过牧草和种子生产以及相关的固氮投入而使牧场的可持续性受益。



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