首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >Biomass from landscape management of grassland used for biogas production: effects of harvest date and silage additives on feedstock quality and methane yield

Biomass from landscape management of grassland used for biogas production: effects of harvest date and silage additives on feedstock quality and methane yield


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Biogas production from grassland biomass harvested during landscape management may help to maintain species-rich grassland biotopes, but extensive management and late harvests often result in low-quality biomass. Biogas production from the vegetation of Alopecuretum pratensis, Molinietum caeruleae and Caricetum gracilis, three typical grassland biotopes in north German nature reserves, was investigated in relation to harvest date. In addition, the A.pratensis vegetation was investigated for ensiling and the application of bacterial silage additives. Results indicate that biogas production might be a reasonable utilization pathway for grassland biomass from landscape management if the first cut occurs up to late summer. Methane yields of grassland biomass decreased substantially with later harvest, from up to 309l(N)kg(-1) organic dry matter (ODM) in May to below 60l(N)kg(-1) ODM in February, in correlation with increasing crude fibre contents. Caricetum gracilis vegetation was the least suitable feedstock for biogas production. It showed a rapid decline in methane yields with later harvest and 25% lower methane yields compared with other types of grassland vegetation. Application of silage additives is recommended for adequate preservation of grassland biomass from landscape management by ensiling. Addition of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria improved acidification during ensiling if sufficient fermentable sugar was available. The use of inoculant and molasses enhanced methane yields by 3-55%. Additional carbohydrate source is necessary to ensure proper ensilage when grasses are harvested after late autumn.
机译:在景观管理过程中从草地生物量中收获沼气可能有助于维持物种丰富的草地生物群落,但广泛的管理和后期收获往往会导致生物质质量下降。考察了德国北部自然保护区三种典型的草原生物群落,即草木,草木和纤毛虫的植被与收获日期的关系。此外,还研究了草菇的青贮和细菌青贮添加剂的应用。结果表明,如果第一次采伐一直持续到夏末,沼气生产可能是景观管理中草地生物量的合理利用途径。草地生物量的甲烷产量随着收获的增加而显着下降,从5月份的309l(N)kg(-1)有机干物质(ODM)降至2月份的60l(N)kg(-1)ODM以下,与增加相关粗纤维含量。 Caricetum gracilis植被是最不适合生产沼气的原料。与其他类型的草地植被相比,它的甲烷产量迅速下降,但收获较晚,甲烷产量降低了25%。建议使用青贮饲料添加剂,通过青贮来从景观管理中充分保护草地生物量。如果有足够的可发酵糖,加入同型发酵乳酸菌可改善青贮过程中的酸化。接种剂和糖蜜的使用可将甲烷产量提高3-55%。深秋收割草时,需要额外的碳水化合物来确保适当的青贮。



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