首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >Sowing date and nitrogen supply determine the outcome of competition between dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in the Pampas region of Argentina

Sowing date and nitrogen supply determine the outcome of competition between dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in the Pampas region of Argentina

机译:播期和氮供应决定了阿根廷潘帕斯地区的达利斯草(Paspalum dilatatum Poir。)和高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb。)之间的竞争结果。

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The effects of sowing date and nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the inter-specific competition between dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in the humid Pampas of Argentina were investigated in two pot experiments where a constant soil moisture content was maintained. Tall fescue and dallisgrass seeds were sown either in the spring (October 2000) or in the autumn (March 2001) in mixed and mono-specific stands with 0 or 100 kg N hap#. In the spring, competition from tall fescue depressed dry-matter (DM) yield of dallisgrass from 1p"53 to 0p"36 g DM per plant and tiller number from 9p"4 to 3p"7 tillers per plant in mixed and in mono-specific stands, respectively, while tall fescue had 3-4 times higher DM yields in mixed stands. Leaf extension rate (LER) of tall fescue was higher (1p"3 mm dp#) than that of dallisgrass (0p"53 mm dp#). In the autumn, inter-specific competition did not affect DM yield of dallisgrass and N fertilizer increased DM yield from 0p"53 to 2p"07 g DM per plant, tiller number from 6p"8 to 14p"2 tillers per plant and LER at the beginning of autumn from 1p"2 to 2p"12 mm dp# in both species. As temperature decreased, LER was reduced in both species to 0p"31 mm dp# by late autumn. The number of leaves per tiller was not affected by treatment. Nitrogen fertilizer increased N concentration of above-ground tissues of both species (18 g kgp# DM in autumn and 20 g kgp# DM in spring). It was concluded that a productive mixed pasture of dallisgrass and tall fescue can be obtained by sowing early in the autumn. The application of N fertilizer in this season is essential to ensure a high herbage yield and quality.
机译:在两个盆栽试验中,研究了播种期和氮肥对阿根廷潮湿南美大草原上的达利斯草(Paspalum dilatatum Poir。)和高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb。)之间种间竞争的影响。保持水分含量。高羊茅和达利斯草种子在春季(2000年10月)或秋季(2001年3月)播种在N和0或100公斤N#混合和单一的林分中。春季,达拉斯草的高羊茅抑制干物质(DM)产量从每株1p“ 53到0p” 36 g DM和每株从9p“ 4到3p” 7分mixed在混合和单株分competition中的竞争特定的林分,而高羊茅在混合林中的DM产量要高3-4倍。高羊茅的叶片伸展率(LER)高于达利草(0p” 53 mm dp#)(1p“ 3 mm dp#)。在秋天,种间竞争对达利斯草的DM产量没有影响,氮肥使每株植物的DM产量从0p“ 53增至2p” 07 g DM,每株的分till数从6p“ 8到14p” 2分and,而LER在在两个物种中,从1p“ 2到2p” 12 mm dp#的秋天开始。随着温度降低,两种植物的LER在深秋之前都降低到0p“ 31 mm dp#。每个分er的叶片数不受处理的影响。氮肥增加了两种植物地上组织的N浓度(18 g kgp #DM秋季和20 g kgp#DM),得出的结论是,秋初播种可以获得高产的达利斯草和高羊茅的混合牧草,在此季节施用氮肥对于确保作物的生长至关重要。高牧草产量和品质。



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