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Bloom thinning boosts fruit size


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We all know that growing small peaches and nectarines is a sure way to go broke.Most peach and nectarine trees set more fruit than they can size. Flowers and young fruit compete for the limited reserves of carbohydrates and nutrients that the tree has accumulated during the previous autumn. So, too many flowers and young fruitiets lead to too many fruit—all small. The market has become so demanding and competitive that only fruit growers who can consistently grow fruit of optimum size, high quality, and good taste stand a chance of survival. You could do this by pruning, shorten laterals and thin fruit to a yield target (see "Prune for size," Good Fruit Grower, December 2012, and "Shorten laterals to cut thinning costs," Good Fruit Grower, March 1,2013). To help you achieve a yield target, you could also remove (i.e., thin) someflowers early in the cropping cycle, so that the trees would produce the correct number and size of fruit, with higher yields.
机译:众所周知,种植小桃子和油桃是一种必经之路,大多数桃子和油桃树结出的果实多于其大小。花和幼果争夺树木在去年秋天积累的碳水化合物和营养素的有限储备。因此,过多的花朵和幼小的果实会导致过多的果实-很小。市场变得如此苛刻且竞争激烈,只有那些能够始终如一地种植出最佳尺寸,高质量和美味的水果的果农才有生存的机会。您可以通过修剪,缩短侧枝和稀薄水果达到产量目标来实现此目的(请参见“修剪大小”,Good Fruit Grower,2012年12月,以及“减少侧枝以减少疏果成本”,Good Fruit Grower,2013年3月1日) 。为了帮助您达到产量目标,您还可以在种植周期的早期就去除(即稀薄)一些花朵,以便树木能产生正确数量和大小的果实,并且产量更高。



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