首页> 外文期刊>Global ecology and biogeography >6000 years of forest dynamics in suserup skov, a seminatural Danish woodland

6000 years of forest dynamics in suserup skov, a seminatural Danish woodland

机译:Suserup Skov是一座半自然的丹麦林地,拥有6000年的森林动态

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The history of a forest stand over the last 6000 years has been reconstructed by studying pollen, macrofossils and charcoal from a small, wet hollow in Suserup Skov on the island of Sjaelland in eastern Denmark. The earliest recorded forest was Tiliadominated but contained an intimate mixture of many different tree species that included Acercampestre, A. platanoides, Alnus glutinosa, Betula pubescent, Corylus avellana, Frangula alnus, Fraxinus excelsior, Malus sylvestris, Populous tremula, Pinus sylvestris, Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Salix spp., Sorbus aucuparia, Tilia cordata and T. platyphyllos. The preserved fruits of T. platyhyllos confirm its hitherto doubtful status as a native member of the Danish flora. The present-day woodland developed after a period of intensive anthropogenic disturbance between approx = 600 BC and AD 900, during which time open canopy conditions prevailed at Suserup. Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior are the dominant trees at present, together with some Quercus robur and Ulmus glabra. Charcoal was present in the sediments from most time periods except at the Ulmus decline In the last 1000 years of the sequence - the period of Fagus dominance - charcoal counts were consistently low. Pinus sylvestris was a natural component of this primarily deciduous forest, and the last macrofossil fites from c. AD 900. Macrofossil Pinus cone scales recorded c. AD 1800 originate from planted individuals. Prior to Fagus dominance, the forest had an open structure partly caused by frequent, low-intensity firsts associated with the presence of Pinus sylvestris. The replacement of Tilia by Fagus in this forest was catalysed by human activity. If the forest had not been so disturbed, the rich diversity of trees would most probably have persisted up to the present time, with only a moderate-sized Fagus population.
机译:通过研究丹麦东部Sjaelland岛Suserup Skov湿小洞穴中的花粉,大型化石和木炭,重建了过去6000年的林分历史。最早记录的森林是T树统治的,但包含许多不同树种的紧密混合物,其中包括A树,白藜芦,Al木,短毛桦,柔和的榛子,Frangula alnus,卓越的白蜡梅,樟子松,毛白杨,樟子松,松树。 ,Q。petraea,柳属,山梨,紫ilia和白桦。 T. platyhyllos的保留水果证实了其迄今为止作为丹麦菌群的本地成员的可疑地位。今天的林地是在大约公元前600年至公元900年之间的一段强烈的人为干扰之后发展起来的,在这段时间内,Suserup处于开放的树冠状态。目前,主要的有大青花木(Fagus sylvatica)和水曲柳(Fraxinus),以及一些栎(Quercus robur)和榆木(Ulmus glabra)。在除乌尔姆斯河(Ulmus)下降外的大多数时间段内,沉积物中都存在木炭。在该序列的最后1000年(法古斯统治时期)中,木炭数量始终较低。樟子松是这种主要落叶林的天然组成部分,最后的化石来自c。公元900年。Macrofossil松果鳞片记录c。公元1800年起源于种植的个体。在Fagus统治之前,森林具有开放结构,部分原因是与樟子松的存在相关联的频繁,低强度的首次采伐。人类活动催化了这种森林中的Fagus代替Tilia。如果不那么扰乱森林,那么到现在为止,树木的丰富多样性很可能会一直存在,只有适中的法格斯人口。



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