首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Sensitivity of Siberian larch forests to climate change

Sensitivity of Siberian larch forests to climate change


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The Northern Hemisphere's boreal forests, particularly the Siberian boreal forest, may have a strong effect on Earth's climate through changes in dominant vegetation and associated regional surface albedo. We show that warmer climate will likely convert Siberia's deciduous larch (Larix spp.) to evergreen conifer forests, and thus decrease regional surface albedo. The dynamic vegetation model, FAREAST, simulates Russian boreal forest composition and was used to explore the feedback between climate change and forest composition at continental, regional, and local scales. FAREAST was used to simulate the impact of changes in temperature and precipitation on total and genus-level biomass at sites across Siberia and the Russian Far East (RFE), and for six high- and low-diversity regions. Model runs with and without European Larch (Larix decidua) included in the available species pool were compared to assess the potential for this species, which is adapted to warmer climate conditions, to mitigate the effects of climate change, especially the shift to evergreen dominance. At the continental scale, when temperature is increased, larch-dominated sites become vulnerable to early replacement by evergreen conifers. At the regional and local scales, the diverse Amur region of the RFE does not show a strong response to climate change, but the low-diversity regions in central and southern Siberia have an abrupt vegetation shift from larch-dominated forest to evergreen-conifer forest in response to increased temperatures. The introduction of L. decidua prevents the collapse of larch in these low-diversity areas and thus mitigates the response to warming. Using contemporary MODIS albedo measurements, we determined that a conversion from larch to evergreen stands in low-diversity regions of southern Siberia would generate a local positive radiative forcing of 5.1 +/- 2.6 W m-2. This radiative heating would reinforce the warming projected to occur in the area under climate change.
机译:北半球的北方森林,特别是西伯利亚的北方森林,可能会通过主要植被和相关区域地表反照率的变化对地球气候产生强烈影响。我们表明,气候变暖可能会将西伯利亚的落叶落叶松(Larix spp。)转变为常绿的针叶林,从而减少区域表面反照率。动态植被模型FAREAST可以模拟俄罗斯北方森林的组成,并用于探索大陆,区域和地方尺度的气候变化与森林组成之间的反馈。 FAREAST用于模拟温度和降水变化对西伯利亚和俄罗斯远东地区(RFE)以及六个高和低多样性地区的总生物量和属生物量的影响。比较了在可用物种库中有无欧洲落叶松(Larix decidua)的模型运行情况,以评估该物种适应气候变暖条件的潜力,以减轻气候变化的影响,尤其是向常绿优势的转移。在大陆范围内,当温度升高时,落叶松为主的地点很容易被常绿针叶树取代。在区域和地方范围内,RFE的阿穆尔州多样化地区并未显示出对气候变化的强烈反应,但西伯利亚中部和南部的低多样性地区植被突然从落叶松为主的森林转变为常绿针叶林以应对温度升高。落叶松的引入防止了这些低多样性地区落叶松的倒塌,从而减轻了对变暖的反应。使用当代MODIS反照率测量,我们确定,西伯利亚南部低多样性地区的落叶松向常绿林分转变将产生5.1 +/- 2.6 W m-2的局部正辐射强迫。这种辐射加热将加剧预计在气候变化地区发生的变暖。



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