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Cardiac safety, drug-induced QT prolongation and torsade de pointes (TdP)


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Torquere is Latin for 'to twist' and gave rise to 'torque' in English and, in French, to 'torsade' a 'twisted fringe, cord or ribbon'. Torsade de pointes (TdP) is a ballet sequence in which the dancer twists around her'pointes' (dancing en pointe means'onthetip'and is a classical ballet technique, usually performed using special shoes called pointes). Des-sertenne used this phrase to describe a distinctive form of ventricular tachycardia in an elderly woman, because the electrical axis of the ventricular complexes varied cyclically giving the electrocardiogram (ECG) a twisted appearance (Figure 1) . Similar polymorphic ventricular tachycardia had previously been identified as the cause of loss of consciousness during quinidine therapy ('quinidine syncope') TdP can be fatal and occurs in several clinical settings associated with prolongation of the ventricular action potential, notably drug treatment and inherited abnormalities of cardiac ion channels. Prolongation of the ventricular action potential is recognized non-invasively by QT segment prolongation on the ECG (a useful but tricky surrogate end-point for risk of clinically important.
机译:托克雷(Torquere)是拉丁文,意为“扭曲”,英文为“ torque”,法语为“扭转”为“扭曲的条纹,绳索或缎带”。尖头扭转节(TdP)是一种芭蕾舞序列,其中舞者绕着她的“尖头”扭转(指向足尖跳舞意味着“在尖上”,这是一种经典的芭蕾舞技巧,通常使用称为“尖头”的特殊鞋来执行)。 Des-sertenne使用此短语来描述一名老年妇女的室性心动过速的一种特殊形式,因为室复合体的电轴周期性变化,从而使心电图(ECG)呈现扭曲的外观(图1)。先前已确认类似的多形性室性心动过速是奎尼丁治疗(“奎尼丁晕厥”)期间意识丧失的原因,TdP可能致命,并发生在与延长心室动作电位有关的几种临床环境中,特别是药物治疗和遗传性遗传异常心脏离子通道。心电图上的QT节段延长可以无创地识别出心室动作电位的延长(对于临床重要的风险,有用但棘手的替代终点)。



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