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One-Stop cherry Web site: Cherry variety evaluations will be housed in one spot


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Researchers at Michigan State University have evaluated hundreds of sweet cherry varieties for the fresh and processed markets, but until now, the data was housed in multiple places and in different formats. A new MSU cherry Web site will give growersaccess to variety evaluations in a "one-stop shop" database. Dr. Nikki Rothwell, MSU horticulturist and coordinator of the Northwest Michigan Horticultural Research Station in Traverse City, said that MSU began standardizing data collection on new cherry varieties in 2007. A new database was developed, and evaluations are being merged into the program. MSU has three primary cherry evaluation sites across the state—NWMHRS (Traverse City), Southwest Michigan Research and Extension Center in Benton Harbor, and Clarksville Horticultural Experiment Station. The Traverse City station, serving as the main hub for cherry cultivar evaluation, houses more than 300 selections under study.
机译:密歇根州立大学的研究人员已经为新鲜市场和加工市场评估了数百种甜樱桃品种,但是直到现在,这些数据还是存储在多个地方并且格式不同。新的MSU Cherry网站将使种植者可以在“一站式”数据库中访问品种评估。密西根州立大学的园艺家兼特拉弗斯市西北密歇根州园艺研究站的协调员Nikki Rothwell博士说,密西根州立大学在2007年开始标准化有关新樱桃品种的数据收集。已开发了一个新数据库,并将评估合并到该程序中。密西根州立大学(MSU)在全州拥有三个主要的樱桃评估站点-NWMHRS(特拉弗斯市),位于本顿港的西南密歇根州研究和推广中心以及克拉克斯维尔园艺实验站。特拉弗斯城站(Traverse City station)是进行樱桃品种评估的主要枢纽,有300多个研究品种可供选择。



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