首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Volcanology: Journal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth s Interior >The 'Pomici di mercato' Plinian eruption of Somma-Vesuvius: magma chamber processes and eruption dynamics

The 'Pomici di mercato' Plinian eruption of Somma-Vesuvius: magma chamber processes and eruption dynamics


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The Pomici di Mercato (PdM, 8,010 +/- 40 a), also known in the literature as Pomici Gemelle or Pomici di Ottaviano, is one of the oldest Plinian eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius. This eruption occurred after the longest (7 ka) quiescence period of the volcano and was followed by more than 4 ka of repose. The erupted magma is phonolitic in composition. All the products have very low phenocrysts content (less than 3%) and show evidence of mineralogical disequilibria. They contain K-feldspar +/- clinopyroxene (salite and diopside) +/- plagioclase +/- garnet +/- biotite +/- amphibole +/- apatite +/- Fe-Ti oxides. Pumice fragments collected at different stratigraphic heights are slightly less evolved and more enriched in radiogenic Sr composition upsection. The glass composition is fairly homogeneous in single pumice fragment and among pumice fragments from different layers. Glass separated from pumice fragments collected at different stratigraphic heights is homogeneous in the Sr-isotope composition (around a value of 0.70717). Glass is in isotopic equilibrium with salite throughout the entire sequence and with diopside at the base of the sequence. Diopside becomes more radiogenic upsection, reaching a value of 0.707458 +/- 7, whereas feldspar is consistently slightly less radiogenic than glass. Nd-isotope composition is fairly uniform (ca. 0.51247) through the whole sequence. The isotopic disequilibria among glass, feldspar and diopside, together with the homogeneous isotopic composition of pumice glass in equilibrium with salite, and the mineralogical disequilibria between plagioclase and K-feldspar, imply that most of the diopside and plagioclase crystals are xenocrysts incorporated into the phonolitic magma during residence in a magma chamber and/or during ascent towards the surface. The PdM Tephra are compositionally and isotopically similar to the phonolitic, first-erupted products of the subsequent Pomici di Avellino Plinian eruption. On the basis of this similarity, we suggest that the magma feeding both eruptions resulted from the tapping of a unique magma chamber. Prior to the PdM eruption, this chamber was formed by a large and homogeneous phonolitic magma body. After the PdM eruption, as a consequence of new arrivals of more radiogenic in Sr, less-differentiated magma batches, the magma chamber progressively developed a slightly stratified phonolitic uppermost portion, capping a tephriphonolitic layer, both emitted during the subsequent Pomici di Avellino eruption.
机译:庞米奇·迪·墨卡托(PdM,8,010 +/- 40 a),在文献中也称为庞米奇·吉梅尔或庞米奇·奥塔维亚诺,是索马-维苏威火山最古老的普利尼亚火山爆发之一。该火山喷发发生在火山最长的静止期(7 ka)之后,随后超过4 ka的静息时间。喷出的岩浆在成分上是音生的。所有产品的表晶含量都非常低(小于3%),并显示出矿物学上的不平衡现象。它们包含钾长石+/-斜py(石蜡和透辉石)+/-斜长石+/-石榴石+/-黑云母+/-闪石+/-磷灰石+/- Fe-Ti氧化物。在不同的地层高度处收集的浮石碎片在放射成因Sr组成向上区的演化略少,并且富集更多。玻璃组成在单个浮石碎片中以及在来自不同层的浮石碎片中是相当均匀的。从不同地层高度收集的浮石碎片中分离出的玻璃在Sr同位素组成中是均匀的(约为0.70717的值)。在整个序列中,玻璃与同位素组成处于同位素平衡状态,而在序列的底部则具有透辉石。透辉石的放射上端性更强,达到0.707458 +/- 7的值,而长石的放射源性始终低于玻璃。在整个序列中,Nd同位素组成相当均匀(约0.51247)。玻璃,长石和透辉石之间的同位素不平衡,以及与硅酸盐平衡的浮石玻璃的均质同位素组成,斜长石和钾长石之间的矿物学不平衡,这意味着大部分透辉石和斜长石晶体是混入到蛇纹岩中的异晶晶体停留在岩浆室内和/或上升到地面期间的岩浆。 PdM Tephra在成分和同位素上类似于随后的Pomici di Avellino Plinian喷发的音质,第一次喷出的产物。基于这种相似性,我们建议为两次喷发提供动力的岩浆是由一个独特的岩浆室产生的。在PdM喷发之前,这个小室是由一个大而均匀的声岩浆岩浆体形成的。在PdM喷发之后,由于更多的Sr放射源的到来,分化程度较小的岩浆批次的出现,岩浆室逐渐形成了一个略微分层的声岩层的最上部分,并封盖了一个Tephriphonolitic层,这两者都在随后的Pomici di Avellino喷发过程中发出。



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