首页> 外文期刊>Geophysics: Journal of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists >A fast and accurate frequency estimation method for canceling harmonic noise in geophysical records

A fast and accurate frequency estimation method for canceling harmonic noise in geophysical records


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The cancellation of harmonic noise from geophysical records can be achieved by subtracting an estimate of the harmonic noise. Estimating the harmonic noise consists of estimating the fundamental frequency and the amplitudes and phases of all harmonies. We propose a new frequency-estimation method that builds upon the estimator originally proposed by Nyman and Gaiser. This Nyman and Gaiser estimation (NGE) method exploits the fact that the noise fundamental frequency is known to be close to 60 Hz. The NGE method is based on solving a system of four equations that. determine the amplitude, phase, and frequency of a given harmonic in the harmonic noise. Hence, NGE can produce frequency estimates for all harmonics. Our improved estimator uses a Suitable linear combination of these NGE frequency estimates to produce a more accurate estimate of the fundamental frequency. Our method is more accurate than NGE, and its accuracy is comparable to least-squares estimation (LSE). The advantage of our method is that it is about two times faster than LSE. This speed gain can become valuable when processing large magnetotelluric (MT) data records. Applying our method to the restoration of MT data, we found that the harmonic noise amplitude in the periodogram is reduced by at least 60 dB to a level below that of mT data.
机译:从地球物理记录中消除谐波噪声可以通过减去谐波噪声的估计值来实现。估算谐波噪声包括估算所有谐波的基本频率以及幅度和相位。我们提出了一种新的频率估计方法,该方法基于Nyman和Gaiser最初提出的估计器。这种Nyman和Gaiser估计(NGE)方法利用了这样一个事实,即已知噪声基本频率接近60 Hz。 NGE方法基于求解包含四个方程的系统。确定谐波噪声中给定谐波的幅度,相位和频率。因此,NGE可以生成所有谐波的频率估计。我们经过改进的估算器使用了这些NGE频率估算值的适当线性组合,可以对基频进行更准确的估算。我们的方法比NGE更准确,其准确性可与最小二乘估计(LSE)相提并论。我们方法的优点是它比LSE快大约两倍。处理大型大地电磁(MT)数据记录时,这种速度增益可能变得很有价值。将我们的方法应用于MT数据的恢复,我们发现周期图中的谐波噪声幅度至少降低了60 dB,降至低于mT数据的水平。



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