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SNAP: Combine and Map modules for multilocus population genetic analysis


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We have added two software tools to our Suite of Nucleotide Analysis Programs (SNAP) for working with DNA sequences sampled from populations. SNAP Map collapses DNA sequence data into unique haplotypes, extracts variable sites and manipulates output into multiple formats for input into existing software packages for evolutionary analyses. Map collapses DNA sequence data into unique haplotypes, extracts variable sites and manipulates output into multiple formats for input into existing software packages for evolutionary analyses. Map includes novel features such as recoding insertions or deletions, including or excluding variable sites that violate an infinite-sites model and the option of collapsing sequences with corresponding phenotypic information, important in testing for significant haplotype-phenotype associations. SNAP Combine merges multiple DNA sequence alignments into a single multiple alignment file. The resulting file can be the union or intersection of the input files. SNAP Combine currently reads from and writes to several sequence alignment file formats including both sequential and interleaved formats. Combine also keeps track of the start and end positions of each separate alignment file allowing the user to exclude variable sites or taxa, important in creating input files for multilocus analyses.
机译:我们在核苷酸分析程序套件(SNAP)中添加了两个软件工具,用于处理从种群中采样的DNA序列。 SNAP Map将DNA序列数据分解为独特的单倍型,提取可变位点,并将输出操纵为多种格式,以输入到现有软件包中进行进化分析。 Map将DNA序列数据折叠成独特的单倍型,提取可变位点,并将输出操纵为多种格式,以输入到现有软件包中进行进化分析。映射包括新颖的功能,例如重新编码插入或删除,包括或排除违反无限位点模型的可变位点以及将序列与相应的表型信息折叠在一起的选项,这对于测试重要的单倍型-表型关联非常重要。 SNAP Combine将多个DNA序列比对合并为一个多重比对文件。生成的文件可以是输入文件的并集或交集。 SNAP Combine当前可读写几种序列比对文件格式,包括顺序和交错格式。合并还跟踪每个单独的比对文件的开始和结束位置,从而允许用户排除可变位点或类群,这对于创建用于多基因座分析的输入文件很重要。



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